chapter 7. Turning around

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"Hey! Hey, wake up!"

I opened my eyes and I saw the face of the old woman before me. I could feel the cold floor on my back.

"Finally, I thought you were dead!"

I got on my shaking legs and looked around. The room looked the same as before. The red-covered book was on the floor next to me, silent.

"Ugh, what happened?" I massaged my temples trying to remember.

"You did it kid, that's what happened! It finally stopped! You broke the curse! Thank you!"

"Curse? Oh yeah, the book. I still must clean this place... Can I take really what I want?"

"Of course, you can take everything if that what you like! You almost died because of me!"



I finished boxing up the books. Surprisingly, carton boxes existed here and it's perfectly identical to those of my old world. It took us more than one tour to get everything to the inn where I was. At the end of the day, I got a box of stuff and paid.

With the help of the receptionist, I bought all the boxes into my now empty room. In total there were about two dozen boxes each filled with books and a big wooden chest (That I bought from my client and promised to bring it back) containing the alchemic devices.

I planed to read all of them and note out the most important looking information. After I copy the content of it, I will give some of them to the church, to score some good points with them in case things turn sour to me. If they ask if I have any more then I would simply lie that I did not, while I sell them for to someone.

"Let's get right into it!"

I opened the first book.




... So, no Exp? Anything? Bummer.

I started my work. What I could I memorized, and I wrote the most important one in French.

Yes, I speak French. I managed to get an Advanced certificate from it. Till now everybody wrote and spoke English, so it's a good idea to write secret pieces of information in a foreign language.

This went on all day and night. After the 10th one, I called it and took a nap. I slept a little, I went back to work. The only time I went outside was when I spent all my ink and paper. Even this only took me 30 minutes.

On day 3 someone was knocking on my door. From the sound, I jumped up from my chair.

I opened the door. It was the receptionist holding a tray with food on it.

"Ahh! You scared me! Eh, one of our clients has noticed that you haven't eaten for a while and paid me to bring this to you. Also... may I ask you when you showered last time?"

My brain needed some time to wrap around what was happening to react. Working on books for days brought back so many bad memories.

".... Shower? Yes, well... I was busy with work, and... May you tell me where I can find it?"


After a quick shower, I returned to my room only to find someone sitting at my table... and reading my notes!

The intruder must have heard me because it turned around.

It was that knight girl, that, that... I forgot her name. I think it started with an N...

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