Chapter 6: The Missing Information

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"No way! No way! There's no way that happened! You're lying," she laughed. Anna was laying on her bed, curling a strand of hair around her finger while the other hand held her phone against her ear. George was telling a story about how he and his family went to Egypt once and Fred had come up with a prank to lock their older brother Percy in one of the pyramids.
"I can still hear my mum's screams ringing in my ear so yes, it did happen! I'm not lying," he laughed. "I think Perce has yet to forgive us for that. Keep in mind that it was six years ago." They had been talking on the phone for about an hour now, from the minute she stepped into her flat, and her stomach was already starting to hurt from laughing so much.
"Can you blame him!? You tried to lock him in a pyramid in Egypt!" she cried out. "You two are reckless, you and Fred." She bit her bottom lip and chuckled a little.
Since his visit to the museum, they had seen each other twice. Once they had gotten dinner together, and a week later, two days ago, he had tagged along to the farmers market and they had another picnic in the park. She enjoyed being around him a lot. Everything went so easy with him and he made her feel so comfortable.
A month ago she would have never expected to be in this position but she was. A month ago she was fine being by herself and she had thought that she still was not ready to date again but she was extremely grateful that Alisa had pushed her to do so.
They had had four amazing dates so far and after every date, she went home with more butterflies in her stomach than before. On top of that, they called almost every night and texted every day, not the cheapest thing but neither of them seemed to care. It felt like they could never run out of things to talk about.
"Yeah, yeah, but he deserved it!" George defended himself but she shook her head, though he could not see that. "Tell me, how's the food doing? Did you burn it yet?" he chuckled. She was making lasagna for supper as she still had to eat. She had been preparing it while they were calling but now it was still in the oven.
"Erm, I never burn my food, George Weasley. I'm a wonderful cook if you must know," she laughed and got up from the bed. She made her way over to the kitchen block and checked the timer on the oven. "It still has to be in there for ten minutes, and let me tell you, it smells fantastic."
"I wish I could smell it through the phone. They have to invent that some time soon!" he stated. She chuckled a little and sat on the edge of her bed again.
"I could just make you some lasagna someday," she suggested. They yet to make new plans to meet up again but she was sure it would happen soon. They both really wanted to see each other again, but George had been busy at work and so had she. 
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, love," he said.
"If you want you can come over Friday evening. I get off around six so let's say a little after seven? Seven-thirty?" she suggested.
"Friday. Seven-thirty. It's a date." There was a fluttering feeling in her stomach and she couldn't stop smiling. The thought of him coming over to her place was a bit nerve-wracking, but at the same time very exciting.
Letting someone into your house, to her, was a new level of intimacy. It was not even about the fact that there would be a bigger chance for them to have sex that way, but just the fact that this is where she lived. Her place screamed Anna with the paintings, the picture frames of her and her friends, the dozens of plants, and of course, a shelf with cookbooks and history books. She just hoped he liked it.
"It's a date," she said. "Can I pick up anything special that you would like to drink?"
"Anything is fine. As long as you make me that lasagna because I think the smell is finally coming through and it's making me hungry," he teased her. She chuckled and shook her head.
"I'm afraid you're going to have to wait four more days for that, Mr Weasley." The sound of her doorbell ringing snapped her out of the conversation and she hurried over to the window. Alisa was waving at her from down the street.
"Oh, George, Alisa's here. I don't know why but I'm afraid I'm going to have to go," she said quickly. She waved back at her friend but she was a little sad that she had to hang up on George now.
"No worries! Have fun and I will talk to you later!" he called out. She told him bye before hanging up. She let Alisa into the building before quickly taking the lasagna out of the oven.

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