Chapter 18: The Commentator

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The following day she soon realised that a quiet moment at The Burrow was very special and rare. At seven in the morning, she was woken by a loud thud followed by an angry yell from Mrs Weasley.
"It's seven in the morning, Fred Weasley!" she shouted loudly. Anna rubbed her eyes and sat up on the mattress that was on the floor. Loud footsteps were heard from behind the door, up the stairs and then above the ceiling.
"What the fuck did he do now?" Angelina muttered sleepily. "Never quiet with that boy." She turned around and closed her eyes once more, but Anna was up and knew that she would be unable to go back to sleep now.
She made her way over to the bathroom across the hall and there changed into a set of floral shorts along with a black top. She put her jumper over it as it was still a bit chilly in the morning before brushing her hair and teeth and heading downstairs.
Molly was already in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast as well as scrubbing a spot on the carpet, well, she was not actually scrubbing, a sponge was doing it, magically. The smell of fresh toast and coffee filled her nose and she greeted Molly with a kind smile.
"Good morning, Mrs Weasley," she said. Molly smiled at her and gave her a quick hug.
"Good morning, dear. Did you sleep okay? I hope Fred didn't wake you? Always setting off things that boy," she asked with worried eyes.
"Oh, he did, but it's okay. I slept fine and I don't mind waking up early. Do you mind if I sit outside for a moment?" She shook her head and gestured to the door. Anna sat down on the bench and let the morning sun warm up her face for a moment. Watching the sunrise was one of her favourite things and watching it over the green landscape surrounding the burrow made it even nicer.
"Cuppa tea or coffee, dear?" Mrs Weasley called through the window.
"May I have a cup of tea, please?" she questioned. Molly nodded and soon brought out a cup of tea before sitting down next to her with a cup of tea for herself as well.
"I don't do it enough, watching the sun I mean. Arthur always tells me I should sit down more often but you know me, always busy," she chuckled. "First it was all about the children but now it's only Ginny, of course. Time passes quickly, doesn't it?" Anna nodded and smiled. "Do your parents live near London?"
"Not really. The last thing I heard from my father was that he moved to Leeds, but there's a big chance he's back in Brighton already," she told Molly, who gave her another worried look. "But it's okay. My uncle, he lives in London. He lives in Kensington, a bit of a posh place he's got if you ask me but most of the time he's at the museum anyway. I'm much closer with him than with my father."
"It's nice that you have family close. I find it important to have people that you can be with and that will love you no matter what," said Molly, a kind smile on her lips.
"Well, your family seems to be filled with tons of love, Mrs Weasley. Thank you for letting me into your home," she said, truly meaning it. Molly patted her on the shoulder.
"Now, now, dear. There's no need to thank me. We love having you over," she assured her. "Especially since you baked those lovely biscuits." Molly shot her a wink, making her laugh a little.
"Well, Mrs Weasley, what do you say? Everyone's still asleep, we might as well take a few now before they eat them all," she raised an eyebrow. Mrs Weasley let out a chuckle and then quickly got the tin from the kitchen.
"You must give me the recipe. I have a recipe for biscuits too but I can never get the sugar measurements quite right," she said, munching down on one of Anna's biscuits. "I will give you a great recipe for rolls in return. Figured out how to keep them nice and soft."
"That sounds lovely, Mrs Weasley," Anna smiled and took a bite of a biscuit. "I realised something last night when I was taking a walk through the field with George. I always thought I'd live in London, or another big city, for the rest of my life but, honestly, I think I'd like to move to the countryside someday." She looked over at the green fields in front of the home. The trees, the sound of birds chirping happily and the slight breeze all felt incredibly lovely.
"Like, I don't know. I always just thought that I was a city girl. I liked the beachside in Brighton, where I grew up, but it was always the city that truly attracted me. But yesterday when we rode through the villages, seeing the little cottages and smaller homes with big gardens. I don't know, something just changed? It just seems so peaceful here. Of course, I'm not going to for years. I love London and I want to stay there for a while, but it was just a thought. I'm sorry, I don't know why I shared that," she said, her cheeks flushing red. Molly granted her a kind smile.
She did know why she shared that. Though she had an incredibly good bond with her uncle, she never had a mother to talk to. Her mother passed when she was six and her grandmother passed only three years later. She was so used to having a female figure in her life that it was weird now that they were both gone.
Something about Molly just made her open up right away. Molly's kindness, openness. The way she loved and cared for her children already made her feel like she could share her thoughts as well. She felt secure around Mrs Weasley, and it was nice, really nice.
"Oh no, dear, don't be sorry about that. I've always loved it here. Very peaceful indeed," she agreed and looked around. "But the beach sounds nice too. Bill and Fleur live on the beachside. Quite nice, especially in summer I reckon."
"Oh, yeah. Brighton is lovely. I liked growing up there," she said and nodded. "The beach is nice and we often hung out at the pier there."
"Your siblings and you?" Molly asked. The Weasleys had all avoided talking about her family after George told them to, knowing it was not the most comfortable subject for her to talk about.
"No, I'm an only child. I hung out a lot there with my friends. When I was really young I went there often with my mum," she opened up and looked at her cup which was empty. "I don't really remember though. I just have a few pictures of it." Molly did not say anything. "She passed when I was six, so I don't really know what it's like to have a mum." Molly took her hand and held it tightly.
"I'm sorry, dear," she said but Anna shook her head. She smiled a little at Molly who looked at her with hurtful eyes.
"It's alright. She got really sick and then they couldn't really do anything anymore. But at least the pain stopped," she confessed and inhaled sharply, trying to blink away the tears. "I didn't understand back then and it was hard for a while. Especially for my father. But now it's okay. I processed it, so I'm okay."
"Well, dear. You always have a home here," Molly told her and pressed a kiss on her head. "Always." Anna smiled a little and gave her a tight hug.
"Sorry," she said with a slight chuckle. "It's still hard to talk about sometimes." Molly stroked her hair and then lightly patted her cheek.
"It's good to talk about it. And you can always talk to me. I will just have to get one of those mobilies fellyphones like George has got too so you can call me," she said, smiling. Anna frowned a little and tilted her head.
"Mobilies fellyphone? Do you mean a mobile telephone, Mrs Weasley?" she asked. Mrs Weasley chuckled and blushed slightly, nodding. "You don't all have a mobile phone? How do you ring each other?"
"We just write letters, dear. We did get a felly- I mean telephone for Ron to call Harry a few years ago but we never use it anymore. George showed his mobile telephone," she pronounced it slowly, "to his father when he bought it. Arthur loves muggles and their objects, so he might ask you a few questions though I told him to go easy on you," Molly said. A slight smile grew on her lips. George had bought a mobile phone especially for her. "Now, I am going to prepare breakfast. Do you want another tea?"
"Erm, no, thanks. Do you need any help?" she asked and stood up with her. The butterflies in her stomach were going mad over the fact that George had only just bought a phone. She could just imagine him standing in a muggle-shop, trying to figure out how it all works. Molly let her help her and she set the table while slowly all the Weasleys and the others came downstairs.
"Morning," George said and pressed a kiss on his mother's cheek, but skipped Anna. He kept his word; no kisses for the whole weekend.
"Good morning," Anna told him. "Care for a cup of coffee or tea?"
"Coffee, please," he smiled. He sat down next to Fred, who was avoiding eye contact with his mother at all times. "How long have you been up?" She gave him a cup of coffee and shrugged her shoulders.
"Around seven," she told him.
"Because someone decided to be funny again," Molly added. Anna let out a laugh and sat down next to George.
"Sorry, Anna," Fred mumbled and shot her a sorry smile but she shrugged it off. She had quite a nice morning talking to Molly, so in a way, she was rather thankful that Fred had woken her up.
Ron yawned loudly and then turned to George, "George, pass the toast, will you?"

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