Plans Happen Often In Love Stories, right?

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"You really got their hopes up like that?!" Kirishima exclaims.

"Well, I actually thought I was going to, but then I noticed I wasn't ready..." Kaminari says.

"I guess it's okay but being the people they are, they probably didn't actually accept your apology." Kirishima says.

"True.." Kaminari says.

"So, Jiro, do you have a specific lover?" Mina asks.

"According to you, I like Kaminari, even though I don't." Jiro says.

"But you do, right? I promise I won't force you to confess, I just want you to admit it..!" Mina says, having an idea.

"But I don't." Jiro says.

"You do!" Mina says, "If I have to I'll gladly beg for you to admit it!"

"I don't like himm!" Jiro exclaims.

"Like who?" Kaminari asks.

"No one!/ You!" Jiro and Mina say at the same time as Kaminari looks at them confused.

"Okay!" Kaminari says, going into his room.

"Just an 'okay', really?" Mina says.

"Idiot's so dumb he said okay and left." Jiro says.

"Ooh, Jiro!" Mina says, "Don't you have pictures with him?" Mina asks.

"Uhm, yeah, what about them?" Jiro asks.

"Show me them." Mina says as Jiro takes out her phone.

*Jiro shows her all of the pictures*

"You're smiling in almost all of those, mean while for picture day you didn't even smile!" Mina says, "And that's what I call, Kamijiro proof!"

"No one likes picture day, that's why!" Jiro says.

"Anddd you're almost always smiling with him," Mina says, "Now that's even more Kamijiro proof!"

"Because he's funny?" Jiro says.

"You think he's funny?! THAT'S ADORABLE!!" Mina exclaims, "WRITING THAT DOWN!"

"You're helpless..." Jiro says.

"No one's ever been able to win a fight towards me, so I really can't blame ya'!" Mina says, "Well, are you going to admit you like him or not?!"

"I don't like him, he's just my friend!" Jiro exclaims.

"Put the word boy infront of friend and I'll be convinced." Mina says.

"I'm not dating him, plus, we should be focusing on becoming a hero, not trying to date people!" Jiro says.

"Well, Mineta's trying to get a girlfriend, so why can't you find a boyfriend," Mina says, "Plussss Kaminari's also a pervert, sorta, but he seems to find the most interest in you!"



"I don't like Kaminari!" Jiro exclaims.

"Fine then, keep living in your fantasy world." Mina says, "But do you know if Yaomomo still has the kittens?"

"I think she does." Jiro says, as Kaminari comes out.

"Oh, sorry Kaminari." Mina says.

"For what??" Kaminari asks.

"Ohh, I thought you could hear us, I was kind hoping you could..." Mina says.

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