2. 18, Gun's Heart

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It seems that adulthood comes suddenly in life. Could be without being felt, age has turned to 18 years old. The responsibility in life increases, there are many things to think about for the future, all problems also change to become more and more complicated, mental pressure began to be felt. But apart from the things that have been mentioned just now, there is something else that will have a bad or good impact on an individual.

The Soulmate system on heart rate will work when a person is 18 years old. That vital body part began to beat adjusting each Soulmate. All events such as sudden beating fast or slowing down due to fatigue, will be felt. 'Tired' is a word that can describe how someone feels when they have just experienced this. But naturally, they just weren't used to it.

Gun experienced it, right when he was working on assignments in class.

When the little man was thinking about how to solve the arithmetic problem written in his book, suddenly his sigh became heavy. The first 5 seconds are still relatively normal, a moment later the feeling of tightness seemed to enter him through the sense of smell—in a halt. Gun put down the stationery and lowered his head, right hand was on his chest and he could feel his heart beating so fast. In the silence of the room, he tried to inhale slowly and then exhaled.

It's useless, Gun's classmate has noticed his strange signs. The woman named Ciize thought that the little man had a relapse of asthma, but Gun shook his head because he did not have a history of respiratory disease in his family. Ciize had offered to accompany Gun to the UKS, but the man immediately refused and immediately left the classroom by himself—leaving his classmate wondering and also worried about his friend's condition.

Gun rushed to the toilet and immediately entered one of the booths, he was very grateful to God because at that time no one was there. He turned on the cellphone in his hand then quickly opened the contact and called someone whom he had always relied on very much. First ring. Second ring. Finally on the third ring was connected. "He-hello? Off?"

"Hey, sorry I just picked up, I'm almost late for the next class. What's the matter, G—what happened to your breath?" Off's voice suddenly came with worry when he heard Gun's heavy sigh on the speaker of his cellphone.

"I have no idea. Suddenly my chest was tight and my heart was beating fast."

". . How old are you now? Eighteen, huh?"

Gun nodded and realized that Off couldn't see the response. "Yeah..."

"Ah, congratulations then."


"I'm ninety-nine percent sure that your first Soulmate system is activated."

". . .So this is the heartbeat of my Soulmate?"

"Yup, you're right. Congratulations, Gun. I can't wait to find out what your partner will look like,"

"Oh Gun, sorry I have to hang up now. My lecturer has entered the room. See you later, little brother!"

"I'm not little—"

The telephone line has been disconnected unilaterally. Gun stared at the cellphone screen with his iconic sullen face, the childhood call was still used even though he had reached adulthood. The little man then sighed, his chest no longer felt tight and with a feeling of relief he could return to his normal oxygen intake. The heart was beating as before, slowly slowing down. "Welcome to adulthood, Gun Atthaphan..." Gun muttered at the void of air around him.

IN THE EYE OF A HEARTBEAT • offgun ✔Where stories live. Discover now