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My drawing, and guess what I just noticed! A random line I fucked up!!

Manfred awoke from a loud clang which he soon registered as his mates, taking the piss. He looked around, noticing the time, "oh no!" He reasoned, hopping out of bed and searching for his clothes, he noticed his uniform was gone and so was Moritz. "Moritz!" He shouted looking for the elm-coloured, lap dog of a Great Dane.

"Shit-" he cursed as he noticed his uniform was no where to be seen. Not a minute later he noticed a package addressed to him in an all to familiar penmanship. "Prussia-" he sighed as he unwrapped the cover to reveal a dress, not just any dress, a black dress with an apron. A bit fell out as soon as he held it up. And in the new test writing known to man kind read "suck it loser, I have your clothes ;) don't worry, Moritz is safe with me, but you have no other choice, meaning you have to hold a meeting in this." He crumpled up the note and tossed it away, sighing as he stepped in to the -for some reason beyond him- perfectly fitting maid-dress.

He shyly walked out of his room and ruched towards where the meeting was held, luckily it only consisted of the flying circus. "So-" Manfred said awkwardly standing there. "What the fuck?" Germany asked, walking in then right back out. "Kesesesese" Prussia laughed as he walked in, winking at Manfred.

Hetalia oneshots but it's just Prussia and Manfred von Richthofen حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن