Favourite song

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(If you know, you know)

Prussia climbed into his favourite Fokker DR1, a coat hanging loosely around his shoulders and Gilbird sat in the internal pocket. To his right was the famed Red Baron, or "der rote Kampfflieger ", as his comrades know him. Or even simpler "the awesome Moritz' owner"- dubbed by Prussia himself.

Earlier that day the famed Manfred von Richthofen had saved his beloved pet from the pranks of other pilots, laughing as he picked up his giant doggo.

Manfred waved good bye to Moritz as they, and the other pilots took off, soaring to the western front where they were needed.

They were tasked with finding Britain's Observations Aircraft and had just made it over the River Somme when the allies opened fire, encasing the Flying Circus is a rain of bullets.

Manfred -like usual- got ahead of himself and begun following Captain Arthur Roy Brown, he swooped down, still on the tail of Captain Brown, an Australian (fucking whore) had gotten a perfect shot, right in the torso. Prussia noticed this but was forced away from the action, as to not over react. He was torn away from the action as Manfred's plane landed, pretty perfectly all things considered.

"Kaputt" was all Manfred said as his plane fell out of the sky, like he knew.

Hetalia oneshots but it's just Prussia and Manfred von Richthofen Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora