15| Blonde & Beautiful

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"You both can get seated, meanwhile I will bring ice cream for us", I informed them both as I smiled.


I handed each of them a cup as I sat down beside them.

I took out my phone and munched on my ice cream as I heard muffled noises of them talking. Then as soon as I heard no voices coming in, I closed my phone and shoved it in my pocket not seeming rude.

"Yeah so, Judy", I said placing my cup on the table, "How long have you and Louis known each other for?"

"Since kinder garden actually, our parents were good friends, so that is how we met".

"Oh that is, that is really nice", I responded as I clasped both of my hands together and intertwined the fingers.

"Have you ever been to London before?" Judy asked as her thick British accent shined through.

"Um no, I would love to, though" I committed sheepishly.

Then Louis and Judy started their own conversation again. Which I didn't really pay attention to since I entered the same phase I was in few moments before, where I admired Judy's beauty. Oh god, the more I think about her perfection, the more I feel myself shrugging and feeling insecure.

But I had only one question in mind

"Did Louis like her?"

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the girl in front of me clutch her bag gently and stand up from her seat.

"You are staring again" Louis whispered in my ear, but this time I shot back, "Shut up".

"My family is waiting for me, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you both", Judy said softly.

"Bye" Louis and I said in unison. Then I saw her elegantly walk out of the place, as I leaned in my neck to see her.

Then I moved my head back to its place. But the next I knew was Louis and I's head clashing into each other, which caused me to flinch in pain.

"What were you doing?!" I yelled at the boy who was holding his head with both of his hands.

"Why were you looking at her like that?" He shot back.

"That is not the point partridge! Why were you leaning your head like that!" I yelled at him.

Ignoring my question, he smirked, "I think someone's jelly".

I widened my eyes at him, boiling with anger.

"Woah, Woah. Calm down, darling". He said as he gestured his hands up and down.

I sighed and crossed my arms, walking towards the counter to pay.

"How much will that be?"

"Your bill has already been paid miss"

"Oh", I cocked an eyebrow and walked out.

<--------------------Time skip: A couple of hours-------------->

"Lasagna or Mac n cheese", I swooshed my hand through the cabinet looking what to make for dinner.

"Lasagna" I said pulling out a pack of noodles," But that will take a lot of time to make".

So instead I pulled open a drawer to pick up a packet of macaroni from inside. "It will take less time to make, But...." I cried out," I don't want to eat cheese right now".

I sighed in exhaustion as I furiously closed the cabinets shut and leaned back on the counter. Turning my head to the left, I saw Louis holding back a laugh. He came walking towards me and then sat on top of the counter.

"Lasagna or mac n cheese?" I asked facing him.

"Neither"------------"Oh great, then what?"

"Bangers and mash", he said in a well, really weird voice, which I don't really know how to explain.

"First of all, I don't know how to make that, make it yourself. And secondly, why did you say that in a dead rat's voice?"

"First of all, okay I am gonna go make it, And secondly, because I am dead rat", he responded sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the couch. I heard clinking and shattering noises but I didn't bother and kept my head straight.

"Hey!" Louis yelled, after a couple of minutes. I turned my head back to see him swinging his phone,"Catch!"

He threw the phone at my face, which I luckily caught and smirked to myself.

"Why did you give it to me?"

"It was getting dirty!"

After a minute or so, I heard a ting sound. I moved my gaze towards his phone, as a notification popped up. I squinted my eyes to see what it was.



Heyy, so I was thinking of catching up with both of you again, what about this weekend?

Riverside restaurant, at 7. (bring Y/N along ;)


tysm for 1k reads AHH>3

Hearts Of Love ~ Louis PartridgeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin