But that still didn't change the fact, Ronald was keeping things from her. Her mind went to the wedding announcement, "Did you know about the wedding?" She blurted out.

A few emotions fluttered across his aging face. "He asked to keep that from you."

"Why? He doesn't think I'm trustworthy enough?" Pain marked every word. She searched for truth in Henry's eyes.

"No, quite the contrary, he didn't want to upset you with the news."

"Upset by that? Why would I be?" She lied, because it hurt more than she cared to admit. That he would keep something like that from her.

Although it wasn't something new, Bethany knew Princess Kathrine was set to be wed to Ronald, but the date was never set. And Bethany secretly hoped Ronald would refuse. Turns out, he didn't. And their wedding was set.

And it put her on edge. For reasons she cared not to look into.

"Because you care for him." He said, studying her.

"Yeah I care for him, so what?"

Pity graced his face. "Not in that way, I mean you have come to care for him in a romantic kind of way."

Bethany felt warmth spread. "That's not true!" She hurried to make it clear to him. But he just smiled, as though he didn't believe her. That only set to make her more upset. "I would never be such a fool as to fall for-"

He cut her off. "Love does not come in forms of class and rank. Neither does it care for it. It takes anyone by storm, and catches anyone off guard. You cannot stop yourself from falling in love." He smiled.

Embarrassed by such talk, Bethany wanted to escape to the safety of her room. At least for a moment, until she was called to serve the Lady of Ascott who has once again come to stay with the King of Iris.

Thankfully she wouldn't be seeing Princess Kathrine.

"I wouldn't be so quick to refuse such feelings. After all, I think the prince fancy's you too." Another wave of heat cooked her cheeks when he winked at her, giving her a small playful nudge.

The prince, fancying her? Ha!

"I am required in the kitchen." She tried to hurry away but he called after once more.

"Wait." Bethany stopped and turned. "Have your mother cook up a soup for the prince, he needs something for his cold."

"Of course." She nodded, and left.

As Bethany walked down the steps, her mind kept replying to Henry's comments. And then going back to yesterday when Ronald was acting strange at the doorstep of the servants quarters. A look filtered across his face, one Bethany never saw before.

A flutter once more warmed her stomach.

Why would he have any feelings for her? For him to care for her in such a way...it was unimaginable. She needed to put all such foolishness aside.

She stomped down the cold steps of the servants staircase, picking up her pace. Her worn down leather shoes smacked with each step. Before she was down at the bottom, she had composed herself entirely, for which she was grateful for when she came smack face to face with Marie.

"Hurry up, you got a lot to do." She hissed, pulling her along. "I've had to cover for you long enough." Her sneer was enough to make Bethany want to say something back.

Bethany snatched her arm back and stopped. "I was called in to speak with the king, one cannot simply rush the king." She clapped back at her. Bethany was irritated by her. She was older now, she still hasn't gotten over her hatred of Bethany, whatever the reason was.

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