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"I cant breath. I'm dying. I'm throwing up constantly. Turns out I only have a month to live unless I get the surgery. What do I do? I dont wanna get my feelings removed. I love you Izuku. I'm sorry it had to be like this."

    I'm holding my throat while sitting against the wall in the bathroom stall. 'Folwer petals? How could I possibly be throwing up flower petals!? No no this cant be right!' I think. I start cleaning up all the blood. My chest hurts bad. My throat still burns and it feels like thorns are in my throat. There could actually be thorn in my throat at this point if I just threw up flowers.
    I clean off all the blood off my lips. I sigh still freaking out. I walk out and walk back into class. I get really quite. And I go sit as my desk and put my head in my arms and rest my head.
    Time skip to when I get home

      I run upstairs and run straight into my room grabbing my lap top and search up 'why am I throwing up flower petals?' I press enter and the first think that pops up is a link about something called the Hanahaki disease. I click it and start reading.
     "the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear."
      My eyes widen. I feel like I'm going to throw up again. I run into the bathroom and grab my throat and clos emy eyes as I start throwing up. I finally stop and open my eyes to see blood and flower petals. I sigh. 'Guess I gotta get used to this' I thought. I clean up the toilet and clean up the blood on my face. I look in the mirror. A tear rolls down my cheek. "Why me? Why did I have to fall?" I say looking myself in the eyes. I collapse and start crying on the floor my face in my knees.
     I stand up. Look myself in the eyes one more time. "What do I do?" I say. I sigh as I turn around to exit the bathroom. I walk into my bed room and get changed. I get into bed and fall asleep.
    A week later

   It's gotten way worse. I'm always running out of class to throw up. Everyone seems really concerned. They keep asking if I'm okay. I just keep saying I'm fine. But I'm not. I can barely breath anymore. I cant do it. Hope can I be strong when I'm dying and the guy I love loves someone else?
    I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Izuku laugh I look at him and hes talking to Uaraka. He hasn't really been talking to me much. I feel flower petals rising up. I cover my mouth. And stand up I run out of class. I run into the bathroom and throw up still holding my throat but even more before. It hurt more than it ever did. Finaly I I finsihed. I open my eyes to see and entire plant in the toilet. My eyes widen. "What the fuck?" I hear someone say behind me. I hear a mans voice. That doesnt make sence this is the girls bathroom. I turn around shaking to see Bakugou. "You need to go Bakugou." I say crying. "P-please." My voice cracks saying please. Bakugou looks at my with concern on his face. He walks up to me and hugs me right. I break down. And he let's my cry.

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