February 2021 28

13 0 0

She-Dodie but I make characters say the lines of the story and give them a background this is not what the song is probably about just my interpretation


Aubrey|•| A light skinned lesbian in denial who is questioning herself and finds a girl cute. 

Her looks- She has dark brown hair, with hazel eyes she loves to draw. Also, if you somehow find this Aubrey.. I'm sorry.


"Am I allowed to look at her like that?

Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at?"

"And she smells like lemongrass and sleep

She tastes like apple juice and peach"

"Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture

And she means everything to me"


Lilith|•| A light skinned girl who doesn't feel comfortable with herself at all. 

She has very dark brown hair with some slightly dark brown eyes.




I'd never tell

No I'd never say a word

And oh it aches

But it feels oddly good to hurt


Courtney, light skin  blonde hair with green eyes. 


She smells like lemongrass and sleep

She tastes like apple juice and peach

Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture

And she means everything to me


Oh, oh

Oh, oh


Nevaeh, a dark skinned girl with braids in her hair, and eyes like a oak tree,


and I'll be okay

Admiring from afar

Cause even when she's next to me

We could not be more far apart

Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall

But to her I taste of nothing at all


Courtney again


And she smells like lemongrass and sleep

She tastes like apple juice and peach

You would find her in a polaroid picture

And she means everything to me

Yes she means everything to me

She means everything to me.


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