January 25 2021 #2

18 0 0

As I run and scream down these halls,

I see bloodshed staining the walls.

I cry out for help but no one hears

I think i've been here for years

They don't let me out

I stay in my bed

Unless something bad happens again

They catch up

I don't think i'm fast enough

But when i make my escape

That I hope is today

I may be able to see the light of the day

If i get caught

I will be distraught

I'll get my brand new toy taken away

And i was just starting to like it too

I feel a hand on my arm a squirm and bite

But nothing happens as they grip me tight

I scream one last time as my vision blurs

Now all I see is black. 

Random shit I writeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя