Crimson Heart

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"Hey Phil!" Wilbur leaned against the doorframe, peering into the inky black that engulfed his friends room only lit by the hallways dull lantern. Phil layed on his bed wrapped in a crimson comforter that Techno had given him years ago, barely acknowledging Wilburs presence until he spoke
"Is something wrong, you've been acting... off." The rustling of blankets could be heard before Phils figure sat up from the warmth his bed held to look at his friend, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days.

"I just had a bad day, I'll be fine. Night Wilbur." Phil burrowed back into the familiar warmth of the comforter, it reminded him of Techno. Wilbur didn't believe the olders answer but decided against keeping him from sleep, he looked like he needs it.


Phil laid in a sea of crimson, his grayed wings folded lightly against his back. He stared at his hand as he flexed it slightly. He thought about the tournament, about killing those peoples... it felt good? He wanted more but why?

"What do you mean why? you know why." A taunting voice echoed through the room. Phil bolted up from comfort of his bed, eyes darting around wildly to find the source yet he struggled to find it in his blackened room.

"Right here dumbass." The voice appeared from behind him as he jolted back, eyes landing on... him? Him but darker, red white instead of green black, bat like wings and horns of crimson. The lazy grin it wore was dark as it sat in the spot he was just in.

"Who- how did you-" Phil stuttered out as its grin grew predatory.

"I am you." It must have noticed his confusion because it answered him without question.

"You can call me Redza or Red for now, as for that... you created me." All that ran through his mind was how? How had he done this, how could he have done this? He didn't remember haveing the ability to create.

"What...?" Red grin grew impossiblely larger as he jumped up to knock over the vase he and Techno had made to the ground, Phil jumped at the sound of it shattering.

"You should use the shards to stab your 'lover', it might poetic." It cackled before disappearing into the shadows of his room, Phil could only stare at the last place he saw it. Lost in thought he didn't realize that his door swung open until two shadows fell apon him, he flinched back grabbing the Katar that was placed in a compartment by his bed.

"What happened, we heard something crash." His lovers voice rang out as Phil relaxed realizing who was here and placing the weapon back into its compartment before they could see it. As they walked into the room and finally looked to where he was staring once more, terrible thoughts drowned out reason.

"Are you hurt?" Wilburs words broke his train thought and snapping his gaze to the two infront of him, Techno kneeled by the broken vase looking sorrowful at best.

"Did you... break it?" He couldn't stand his lovers sorrow but could he tell him about the creature that actually broke it, he wasn't sure what it was and what it could do.

"I-It was an accident, my wing knocked it over but I can fix it." They didn't believe him, they knew him to well.

"Sure of that?" Techno reached forward to lay his clawed hand on Phils shoulder but he brushed it off.

"Yes, I'll- I'll clean it up and place it to the side for now." It convinced Wilbur but not Techno, his lover knew him far longer then any of the others.

What was Phil going to do?


"Morning! Whats for breakfa- Huh?" Tommy paused at the bottom of the staircase as he noticed that Phil was not in the kitchen, he usually cooked for the residents of the house to make sure they were fed.

"Is Phil not making breakfast?" Tommy asked as he spotted Wilbur on the couch, he shook his head before getting up to speak with him better.

"He not feeling well today, we better keep it down do he can sleep."

"Cereal it is! Wilbur grab the bowls, milk, and cereal."  Techno ordered leaning into a kitchen chair.

"What? Your closer to the kitchen!"

"Might be but I'm busy, you grab it."

"I'm not getting it when your closer, lazy pig!" Techno immediately sat up at that slamming his fist into the table infront of him.

"Haah!?" Tommy rolled his eyes grabbing what they needed before slamming it on the table.

"There! Honestly, what would you two do without me?" Tommy gloated quite loudly dispite Wilburs words.

"Win the championship." Techno responded instantly while pouring cearal in his and Phils bowl, Tommy sputtered out insults and complaints.


After breakfast Tommy left to cause chaos with his friends and Wilbur grabbed Phils bowl and poured milk in it to take it to him upstairs with Techno.

"Hey Tech? Should we tell Tommy?"

"No, not yet. We should keep an eye on him all the same." They reached Phils door knocking once before entering, he was staring at the same space he was when they entered earlier. They shared a look of concern before Techno spoke up.

"We got you breakfast Phil, you feeling any better?" Phils gaze turned to his lover giving him a weak smile.

"I am Tech, thank you."

"Why don't you and I train tomorrow? It'll be fun." The piglin hybrid grinned at the look of excitement that grew on his lovers face, Wilbur gave him a look of disappointment.

"Oh Tech, I'd love that!" They exited his room shortly after head to the living room, Techno was about to head out the door when Wilbur stopped him.

"Are you an idiot?"

"He is clearly not well! Why would you ask him to train with you!?"

"Wilbur, I know Phil isn't as well as he wants us to see but it would be good for him. Would you rather he stare at a wall all day?" With that Techno left Wilbur to his thoughts.

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