Chapter One "Most Memorable Date"

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By The Night

Chapter One

 "Most Memorable Date"

Beth had always hated scary movie no matter if it was zombie, vampire, demon, aliens you name it she was sure to be scared of it.

It did not help that her friends were big buffs when it came to scary movies. They always dragged her to go see the next Saw or whatever creepy movie that looked half-way decent. She would be coaxed into going no matter what. She had played the “I have a headache”. The “I’m not feeling well”; she even tried to lock her door to prevent them from dragging her to see the next one. None of her ways ever worked she was always forced to sit through it. This Saturday had been no different well instead of just her friends it turned out to be a triple date among mutual friends.

Obviously Beth’s best friend, Hannah, had planned this so whenever the girls would get scared they would be forced to snuggle up to their dates, sadly this never happened in Beth’s case she would scream her head off and cling to whomever was beside her at the time. She tried not to get scared before she got to the movie theatre but for some reason her body could already tell what she was about to do. It did help that her date was none other than the Jace, one of her life-time crushes who just now started to notice her and had become great friends. She didn’t want to be a dork around him but no matter how many times she told herself that it will just be a movie date the fear crippled her.

Jace tried to help her with her fears but when they got to the theatre in which the movie was playing she was almost in tears.

 “What if I scream and nobody can come help me, which is what always happens”

She started to blubber and she concluded that her date was going from bad to worse in seconds fast. Jace was one of the nicest boys she knew, he pet her hand telling her that it would be ok. He even went as far as pulling her into a hug and letting her cry on his shoulder. She couldn’t believe how incredible this guy was for only knowing him a short while and he was putting up with her crying over something that had even happened yet. They hadn’t made it into the movie theatre yet and she was already crying. She knew that this was going to be bad.


Throughout the movie Jace had been trying to make her laugh at how silly everything on the screen looked. She tried to play along but it didn’t matter she was still scared but tried to play it off with laughter, nervous laughter that is. Which wasn’t helping the situation at all, she did in fact get to lay into Jace’s shoulder which helped with the scariness of the movie. She tried to look away during some parts and Jace let her squeeze his hand during the intense moments.  When the movie was over she was happy that it was over and she survived it did help a tad that Jace was holding on to her hand when they walked out to their respected cars.

“See was it so bad?

She didn’t Want to tell him the truth that she was downright terrified by the movie. Even though he had helped she couldn’t help but still be scared.

“Yeah, not that bad” She tried to smile but it came off as a grimace something she didn’t want Jace to see.

“Thank you for being there during that movie, I wish you didn’t have to see that side of me”

“Truth be told, you are pretty cute when you are scared”

The church bells run in Beth’s head, she couldn’t believe that he thought that being scared was cute. She didn’t care she would be scared all the time if it kept him around longer. She tried to hide the blush that was appearing on her cheeks.

“Thanks” She whispered not knowing exactly what to say after she was called being cute.

“I had a lot of fun with you tonight even though I think you might have broken a few fingers with your vice like grip”

She shrugged her shoulder knowing another blush was sure to form on her cheeks after a comment like that.


She didn’t know what else to say, the conversation was coming to a halt and she didn’t want to have the awkward silence in the air.

“No problem, I didnt realize just how scared you got”

“Yeah it is a defect of mine, so is the blush that I get when I get nervous or the way that I talk to much when I don’t know what else to say”

She felt the blush and she was rambling on, she wanted to smack herself square in the forehead. She couldn’t believe how embarrassing it was to tell him all those things without meaning too.

“No worries, I like your defects”

He smiled at her, making her heart melt in a pile of mush in his car. She couldn’t believe that this boy actually was real and that he liked her of all people.

 When they arrived at her house, right on the dot she might add, Jase said his last goodbyes to her. She was getting out of the car slowly; she went to pick up her jacket that had been discarded while they were in his car. She turned to tell Jase goodnight when it happened.

He kissed her, well tried to kiss her.

They both went into the kiss to fast and ended up bumping each other in the nose. Beth covered her nose knowing for sure she was getting a nose bleed from the head-on –head contact.

“You should warn a girl next time you are going to try to be romantic”

“Sorry didn’t think we would bump heads”   

Beth jumped out of his car after giving him a goodnight peck on the cheek, still holding her nose I might add, walking up the front steps to her house. She was astonished that something like that could happen to her-ok maybe she didn’t think it would happen to her tonight during her big first date but somehow her clumsiness got the best of her.

She wallowed up the stairs trying to cut her losses, maybe he would call, maybe he would. All she knew for the next couple days she was keeping her phone close to her. She went to change into her PJ’s, checking her nose once more for any blood or cuts. She didn’t want to have to explain to her parents why she came home from the movies with a bloody nose.  She settled into her bed pulling out her phone to call Hannah and tell her everything that happened when she got a text message from the one and only Jace it read:

Goodnight Beth, hope your nose is ok! Tonight was one of the most memorable dates I have had!


She read it over and over again; the butterflies in her stomach were flying without a care until she realized that this message could also be somewhat sour. “Most memorable date” the quote could be bad or be good, either why she knew that Jace was going to be in her dreams tonight!


I hope you enjoy the first chapter! I wanted to go funny with this story first so I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!




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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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