~Leave her Alone~

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Korra working around doing her Avatar duties  she's finishing up exhausted decides to walk home and then she hears someone following her "hm?" She looks behind her she didn't see anyone she began to feel unsafe and she was too exhausted to get ready and fighting position so she walked as fast as she could avoiding any dark areas "great..Right when I'm to tired.. " and then all the sudden  the one grabs Korra and pulls her in to a dark alley "Who Are you!?" Korra yelled "don't worry About it" The man says and ties korra up and picks her up and walks with her korra using all her energy to break free. If I do a Bryce Ray and runs down the alley as fast as she can "Get Away From me!!"
Korra hides  behind a car that's hidden by more cars scared for her life. But she hears footsteps but it sounds like three people walking around "fuck" She whispered and felt something stab her leg and pain she tried to move but it hurted her so bad
She  quietly cries hoping it was not the man who tried to kidnap her he quietly sneaks away hides in the shadows hoping no one could see her or at least she could get help

Asami sees a dark figure it scared her half to death she stepped on the dark figure to see who it was
"OW!!" Korra cried
"Korra?!" Asami saw korra was tied up in injured "Oh My God Who did This!?" Asami said as she picks up korra. And put korra in her car
" I was just finishing my avatar duties and I feel like someone was following me so I try to avoid the dark alleys but then someone pulled me and tied me up and tried to take me he was chasing me I was hiding by your car hoping he wouldn't see me but then I got stabbed in the leg by something."
Korra cries. "I'm taking you to the hospital you're going to be staying with me for a while.." Asami says
Asami sees another dark figure with ropes. "What do you want for the avatar?"  He walks near Asami
"The Avatar is staying with me you're not getting your hands on her" Asami yells. "Besides what the hell do you want with the avatar?!" Asami looking Angry  "you don't need to know but just know she'll still be alive" The man said smirking
Asami throws a very hard object at the man and drove away as fast as she could. Asami takes Korra to her place and Korra heals her leg Asami took her to the guest bedroom and let her stay for the night.

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