Chapter 45 - Harry

Start from the beginning

My mum nods, "you should definitely visit Harrods though! Their food hall is amazing, that probably sound so posh but seriously they do the most amazing desserts and breads and cheeses."

"Ah, my three favourite things..." Ror giggles, "hopefully we can, if it's not too busy... it would be fun, my Nan brought me a purse back from Harrods a few years ago when she went for a trip to London, I still use it." Ror says.

"You should get a new one!" My mum grins.

I smile fondly, nodding, "Mm yeah... you should." I say.

"And see a show!" My mum adds, "Harry says you're a dancer, you'd love the Westend, there's so many shows to choose from." She hums.

"I adore musicals, I've seen a few back home in the theatre there and we saw a few when I went to New York, Broadway was incredible."

"Oh yes! I saw Wicked on Broadway a few years ago, with Gemma. It was incredible..." my mum smiles and Ror agrees, telling her that was one of the shows she went to see and that she loved it.

We chat for another hour or so, my mum asking Ror so many questions before I trail her away while my mums prepares a late dinner, she asks me if it's okay to go and change into pyjamas, I tell her of course and go with her, giving a slight tour of the house on the way.

"It's gorgeous, and so big..." she says as we walk down the hallway towards me room, it's right at the end of the hall, "I like your room..." she smiles, looking at a few awards I have on a bookshelf just by the door, along with a few books and things I like to keep here, family photos and a few from my time before the band, with friends and stuff in school.

"You have so many of these..." she says, picking up one of the awards, "I saw some downstairs as well."

I nod, "these are all One Direction ones, random ones really that we won over the years, the Brits and bigger ones are downstairs and I have a couple at my house to, and some plaques... I keep these ones in here just because I don't want them all over my house, there's more in the guest room... it's ridiculous I know."

"It's not at all. You should be so proud, they're amazing achievements, I particularly like this most stylish male award." She giggles

"Ha! The heartthrob ones are in the bathroom!" I joke.

"I don't doubt it." She grins and puts the award down, "I still can't believe this is your life, not the band ones now... but winning awards, your solo stuff now, and acting..."

"I've only been nominated for acting awards..." I laugh shyly.

She rolls her eyes, "still, you're so talented... and soon to be a Grammy winner, I keep up..."
She grins as I feel my cheeks redden, this isn't something we've talked a lot about, when I'm with Ror stuff like awards and celebrity status completely leave my thoughts.

"Nominee, I'm just a nominee..." I say.

"Well I for one think that in a couple of months you'll be a Grammy winner, there's no way you won't win all or one of those categories. The album is incredible... seriously." She says with the most genuine and warmest smile.

"I owe it all to you, seriously... I wrote that whole album in that time with you and I'm so sorry I never gave you any credit, you deserved all the credit. I felt like an asshole putting it out without even mentioning you..." I tell her, and mean it.

"It's your hard work, your voice. I don't need any credit, I was proud of you, no matter what... I listened to it as soon as it released, at the time I was annoyed at myself for doing it, but I had to. And I loved it... Ems loves it too, it's her driving CD, I never told her about you and then she was mortified when she found out and had been making me listen to it..." she laughs.

"Ha! Really? That's funny... well I'm glad you didn't hate it."

"I never could babe, never..." she smiles.

I smile back and walk over to her, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips, letting my hand brush through her hair, my fingers getting tangled in the strands. She lets out a Lottie content sigh and I kiss her properly, so and slow with my hand around her waist, mumbling that I love her against her soft lips.

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