"You both worked together to make these?" I asked again not believing her. "Your highness I made the hand fan, Ima made the little stools and benches but we both made the crown" she said. I looked at the other maiden closely. She looks familiar. "Are you the craftsman's daughter?" I asked. "Yes your highness" she replied not looking up.

I picked the crown "This is by far the best artwork today" I said it loud enough for everyone to hear. "And since it's for me I think I would be taking it then" I said. Three maidservants rushed and started picking it up. I also told them to take the other art works to were the could be useful.

It was obvious that does their artworks were not taken were automatically disqualified. That left 8 more maidens.

I left to my hut after that. Not long after maidservants walked in with my lunch. It was pounded yam and Edi kang ikong soup. I asked them to take it to the shade close to my hut. They did so. They were about leaving when I asked them to call Olanna.

It didn't take long before she came "Greetings my King. You sent for me" she said. I hate it when she gets formal with me. "Join me for lunch. You must be hungry after a hectic day" I told her. She hesitated a bit. "If you insist" she said. "I am not insisting. I am asking" she looked at me like she had seen a ghost. At one point I became afraid she wasn't breathing. "Olanna?" She finally blinked and sat down without saying a word. I handed her a bowl to wash her hands as I opened the lids from the dish.

Eating together from the same bowls was awkward at first. Our hands kept colliding with each other. But we finally found a rhythm later on waiting for our turns to dip the pounded yam into the soup. I even went ahead to remove the bones from the fish for her. We ate in silence but it was soothing.

The maids came and cleared the bowls later on and brought a keg of palm wine with two cups. We sipped on our drinks as we sat in silence. "Did you enjoy today's task?" She asked surprising me that she brought up a conversation. I thought about what she asked "I think I did" she raised a brow. But I decided not to elaborate.

"Why did you appoint me to call the results?" I asked. "Well... nothing really." She said now it was my turn to raise a brow. She smiled "Unlike you I will elaborate. The competition is more intense when the numbers becomes less. Some of them might think that they were disqualified because I was envious of them. I am the Queen after all. So if you don't mind I would like for you to be the one to call the results from now on" she said.

I haven't thought of it like that. I frowned. This wasn't what I thought at all. The fact that I will be taking a second wife hit me hard. What have I done?!! I didn't think this would get this far. What was I thinking?!!

"My King?" That seemed to anger me more. Why does she have to be so formal with me?!! "My King?" "Don't call me that!!" I boomed

It was when I finally looked at her face that I realized that I had just shouted at her. She looked surprised but not for long. She immediately masked it with her cold look. "I am sorry if I had said anything that offended you" she said coldly as she got up "If you don't mind I will be taking my leave now" she said and left without waiting for a reply.

Why can't I express myself properly when it has anything to do with Olanna? I hadn't meant to say it like that. I wanted her to stop addressing me formally, to be free with me. She is my wife after all. I always seem to mess everything up.

Finally deciding that I need to let my pride go. I got up with one thing in mind. Maidservants greeted me but I didn't acknowledge any of them.

I burst into her hut without even knocking. "What do you think you are..." I didn't let her finish that statement "I need your help" she looked at me like I have grown two heads. "You said that you will be waiting whenever I need your help. Well am here now and I need your help."

She smiled smugly and I almost regretted ever asking her for help.

Well almost

Eka Iyene's POV

He badged into my room like he was being chased by an evil spirit. "What do you think you are...." "I need your help" he countered. Is he well. "You said that you will be waiting whenever I need your help. Well am here now and I need your help." He said.

I couldn't help but smile. "Well that was fast. I thought you would come ask after maybe 3 moons or even after a full harvest" I told him.
"Are you going to help me or not?"

I stopped smiling and raised a brow at him. I ignored him and continued folding my wrappers. He forgets am his Aunt and not one of his subject.

He sighed and sat down beside me "Please Eka. Will you help me?" I almost rolled my eyes at him. "I know I taught you better" I said patting his back like a child which I know would irritate him. Well that was my goal.

"So what do you want me to help you with" I asked. He frowned "You know why am here Eka" he replied "No I don't" I denied. "Eka!!". "So you have finally realized you have feelings for Olanna" I told him. "What?" He gaped at me and snorted. "No I don't. I want you to help me stop the bridal selection" he said.

Now it was my turn to snort. Might I add so unladylike. "So why do you want to stop the bridal selection?" I asked him "I don't want to take another wife" "Why did you start it in the first place?" I countered "Because I wanted to make Olanna jealous and it didn't work" I nodded vigorously we are getting somewhere.

"Why did you want to make Olanna jealous?" He seemed to think about it "Because I wanted her to admit she likes me" I blinked. Even a blind man can see that Olanna has no feelings for Edikan... yet. "Why do you want her to admit she has feelings for you?" I continued to query him. "Why all these questions? I do not have feelings for her apart from respect." He said. "Then why do you need me to help you put a stop to the bridal selection? You are the King after all" I told him.

He seemed to finally realize this. "Well... I want you to take my side when I announce it to her. You know she has put so much effort into this selection." He said not looking at me. "So in order words you don't want to look bad or make her angry? I asked and he nodded.
"If you don't have feelings for her why are you so worried about how she will feel about you?" I asked hopefully. Maybe he will understand now. He just shrugged "Well... will you take my side?" He asked instead. "Okay" He smiles widely and excused himself. He turned back and when he got to the door "I will call a meeting this night then" he said still smiling as he stepped outside the hut.

It's either he is dumb or his ego is so inflated that it won't be possible to deflate. I sighed going back to folding my wrappers. I hope he doesn't realize it when it's too late.

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