Chapter two

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(This is the uniform you have, if you don't like it then that's fine:)

"Oh my god, so you met the famous Michael Myers!? Y/N how are you not scared!?" your friend scolded, you shake your head and chuckle. You held your phone next to your ear making sure to hear her.

"It's not that big of a deal, I mean yes I'm a bit scared since he is somehow intimidating but It's my job I've been a nurse for a long time silly," you explained to your anxious friend, you looked at the clock seeing it was time to go to the building.

"Maybe we can catch up later with some coffee, I have to go now! I'll see you later F/N" you smile and grabbed your bag.

"Stay safe from the boogeyman!!" you rolled your eyes hearing her try to freak you out, you hang up and entered the building.

You go to the counter and clock in quickly, you waved at some coworkers as they passed by. You went to the meditation center and looked for Michael's name tag for his medication.

You look through some and finally saw his, you noticed that there were three pills but they had a lot of milligrams into them. You made sure to remember to ask Dr.Loomis about it although a part of you told you that you shouldn't question since he is Michael's doctor.

You took the pills into a small cup and got another cup for water, you sigh and make your way over to Michael's room feeling a bit anxious. You smile at the guards as they raise a brow, you show your badge and they nod. One of them unlocks the door letting you walk in, you let out a soft sigh and saw Michael sitting on his desk but still his back was turned.

"Goodmorning Michael, I hope you slept well... uhm so I have your meds. I'm assuming these are new since the dosage is a bit on and off. I brought you some water to drink with it, I'm just going to put it right beside you okay?" you spoke softly, Michael slightly nodded making her smile seeing that he was slightly communicating. You set the pills and the cup of water beside him, you step away as you look at your clipboard. You then perk your head to the side to see that Michael took his pills and the water, you smile to yourself and cleared your throat.

"Alright Its time for you to see Dr.Loomis, can you please follow me?" you said while walking towards the entrance. Michael wanted to literally strangle you, he was already sick of your sweet act it irritates him.

He slowly got up, your eyes widen from looking at his height, he was extremely tall and muscular making you feel a bit frightened. You tried your best not to make eye contact, you then make your way out of the door. You then saw the guards forcefully put handcuffs on him and slightly shove him towards you. You slightly frown and continued to walk forward, the guards followed behind Michael making sure he doesn't try anything.

You stroll down the hallway quietly as the guards mumble here and there, you were a bit irritated by them since obviously, they were talking about you. Once you finally reach the elevator you quickly press the button. You slightly looked beside you seeing that Michael was stiff as a rock, you noticed he was covering his face with a mask which didn't bother you at all. You knew he didn't like to show his face or have any eye contact directly. The elevator doors open and you walk in as the others follow right behind you. You click the button to level 2 where most patients go for therapy, it was an awkward silence between the guards and the two of you. You slightly looked over to Michael seeing that he was slightly fiddling with the chains just a bit, you were very curious about how he communicates at all with Dr.Loomis since he mentioned that he never speaks or seems to show the effort of communication.... yes you were his nurse but something about Dr.Loomis makes you grow suspicious for some reason.

You felt his eyes slowly connect with yours making you look away in a rush, you hear the familiar ding of the elevator bell. The doors slide open once again, you step forward first leading Michael and the rest. You walk down the hall as the eyes of doctors or nurses staring right at Michael and you. You take a deep breath and turn to the left to be faced with the same door as the one and only Loomis. You open it slowly and Michael walks in, you realized the guards already left making you feel a bit uneasy seeing that you need to connect the chains to the desk for he won't try anything.

Therefore,You and Me.(Michael Myers x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now