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You and your boyfriend Oliver Wood were walking through Hogsmeade together and enjoying each other's company. It was close to the holidays so Hogmeade had snow all over. It was a pretty sight, especially at Hogwarts. That's one of the main reasons you and Oliver liked to stay for the holidays instead of going home for them.

You two were entering Honeydukes when a little boy tugged on the bottom of Oliver's turtleneck. Oliver looked at the boy very confused and asked what he needed.

"Can I take a picture of you and your girlfriend?Only if that's your girlfriend? The small boy asked. He didn't even look like he was 11, but he had to be or he would be at his house.

"Uhh.." Oliver started looking at you to see if you wanted to take one. You gave him a nod and he told the boy that he could take a picture of you both.

The boy wanted you and Oliver to do a dance or a series of movements for the picture. ( kinda like the moving picture of Lily and James ). He dipped you and twirled you around. You two were having the best time of your lives.

"Can you do one where you two are kissing?" The boy asked as he was holding the camera. Oliver looked at you with a red streak across his checks. You slightly chuckled at the fact that Oliver's cheeks were red. So you said to the kid that you guys would do it.

When you and Oliver were taking the picture his soft lips melted into yours. You felt safe with Oliver and thought that nobody else existed except you and him. That was until the boy cleared his throat.

"Thanks for letting me take your pictures". The boy said

"No problem lad." Oliver replied holding your hand

"Hey, before you leave could we possibly keep copies of the photos" you asked as the boy was about to leave.

"Oh, sure. Good thing I have two sets." The boy said handing you the pictures he took.

"Thank you so much for taking these" you said as you and Oliver were both looking at them.

The boy had finally left and you and Oliver changed your minds about going to Honeydukes. Instead, you guys went into The Three Broomsticks to grab butterbeers.

Once you two got the butterbeers you found a booth to sit in and look at the pictures. While looking at them you were thinking how lucky you were to have a guy like Oliver to call yours. When you took a sip of you butterbeer you had formed a foam mustache. You looked at Oliver not knowing you had one and he started laughing.

"What's so funny. Do I look like a laughing matter to you now " you say a little offended.

"No...no it's not that" Oliver tried to say without laughing. He never saw you mad before with a foam mustache. "It's the fact you have a foam mustache formed above your lip"

"I thought boyfriends were supposed wipe them off for their girlfriend's when she doesn't know" you say now in a normal tone.

"Sorry, just to funny to get rid of it" Oliver said slightly laughing. You just roll your eyes and wiped it off. "I would pay that little boy to come back and take a picture of you with that mustache on." Oliver said controlling himself.

"Very funny" you said laughing a little.

"Haha... hey you know what?" Oliver said looking into you e/c eyes.

"What?" You said while small butterflies were forming inside your stomach. Even though you and Oliver had been dating for a while now. Every time he looks at you, you get small butterflies. You absolutely love that feeling.

"Your prettiest person I've meet. With or without a foam mustache." He said meaning it. When he said the last part you just laughed a little. He got a little confused and mad. "Hey... I meant that. I'm not trying to be funny or anything. I actually do think you look pretty no matter what"

"Thanks." You said still laughing. He chuckled a little because he loved the sound of your laugh.

"You know someday I really want to marry you...." You stopped laughing and looked at him again as he continued " Maybe even have kids. Then watch our kids have their families and us becoming grandparents. I want to watch every sunset and sunrise with you." Now you got major butterflies in your stomach. You realized that this wasn't the first time Oliver had thought about the future with you.

"I want that too. Also, we can teach our kids how to be great quidditch players like you." you said imagining you and Oliver's kids on brooms.

"Yes, but they can't be keepers...." Oliver started. You got a little confused of why they couldn't be keepers. Oliver soon caught onto your confusion and answered why. "The reason why they can't is because I'm the only true keeper in your life. We won't allow any others"  Both of you chuckled at that answer.

Then you both stared at each other until you asked Oliver if you could cuddle and watch muggle movies in his dorm. He agreed and suggested that the two of you could go to Honeydukes and get some candy for the night. You obviously didn't turn that down so you rushed out the door to Honeydukes. Oliver payed for the beers and caught up with you. The two of you selected several Chocolate Frogs, Acid Pops, Bonbons, and some Fudge Flies.

When you got back to Hogwarts you grabbed some warm socks and a pair of sweats to keep you warm. You didn't bring a sweater because you were going to steal Oliver's turtleneck. Oliver thought you looked cute in his sweaters and clothes so he wouldn't argue. He barely knew any muggle movies so you had to pick one out for you guys to watch. You picked one of your favorites,  f/m (favorite movie).

The movie was about half-way done when you felt a head resting on your shoulder. You looked over and saw Oliver sleeping. You thought Oliver looked so cute when he was sleeping. When you ran your hand through his hair you could see Oliver forming a little smile. That made you realize he was probably dreaming of something that involved you and him.

Oliver Wood One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now