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No ones POV

The Yule Ball was coming up and people were getting asked quicker than ever. Oliver is the Gryffindor quidditch caption, and has a lot of fan-girls. Many of them asking Oliver to the ball. He rejected every single of them, hoping he could build up the courage and ask the person he liked, y/n l/n. She was a Hufflepuff. She also happened to be the Hufflepuff quidditch caption.

Y/n ( much like Oliver with his fan-girls ) had fan-boys asking her to the ball. She rejected them. Y/n was hoping that her crush, Oliver Wood, would ask her to the ball

Oliver's POV

"I just don't know how to do it" I said to my two close friends, Fred and George Weasley

"Just get one of your fan-girls to go with you if you don't have the balls to ask out y/n" Fred exclaimed. Seeming a bit annoyed at the fact he's helping me and not doing pranks.

"Ew, gross. I'm not going with one of those people" meaning the fan-girls. "Also, I have the balls to ask y/n to go to the ball with me. I just don't want it to be basic. I want a wow- factor in it."

"Jeez mate, you could have told us the wow-factor part sooner" George said looking at me then at Fred

"Since the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor match is coming up we could do fireworks. Only after the game though. We could write 'Will you, y/n go to the ball with me?' In the sky" Fred and George said together

Not going to lie that was a good idea. I usually don't want the twins doing pranks or related prank stuff near me, but if it's for y/n I'll do it.
"That sounds good. Just have it ready by Tuesday" I said getting up from where I was seated and heading to my dorm to get ready for practice.

Y/n's POV

I was with my friends in the Hufflepuff common room talking about the Yule ball. Hannah was telling me that she was going with the seeker from Bulgaria, Viktor Krum. Palmer said she was going with the one  and only Harry Potter. I was happy for them, but also jealous at the same time that they had someone to go with. They keep saying I should go with Adrian Pucey or Terrence Higgs. I would, but I just wanted to go with Oliver.

Game Day ( Y/n's POV )

It was finally the day of the Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor game. We had a high chance of losing the game, but I honestly didn't care that much. As long as I got to at least see Oliver's face.

After the game

Hufflepuff lost against Gryffindor. Not going to lie it wasn't that upsetting because this was the only team who could beat us and we accepted that. I told the team to go into the changing rooms and wait for me while I congratulated Oliver on the win.

"Congrats Wood , another win in the books" I said shaking Oliver's hand.

"Thanks l/n, Hufflepuff did great as always. But not better than us." Oliver said smirking at the last part. Whenever he smirks my face erupts in complete redness like a tomato.

"Haha, we'll see ya in the next match, Wood" I said heading towards the changing rooms where my team was.

As I was about to head into the room I heard a loud crackling sound. I turned around and saw Oliver on his broom next to the words 'Will you go to the ball with me Y/n?' After I read it Oliver was heading down towards me waiting for me to answer. I just stared at him for a couple of minutes and said "yes I would love to go with you Oliver"

When he heard my response he immediately crashed his lips against mine.

A/n: if you have any request please comment them


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