I Thought I Knew You

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A few hours later...

A burst of tentacles and ancient green fire exploded from inside the room Alastor was in. The stone door split into pieces and not a single trap was able to harm the angered deer, as he stomped through the eye covered hallway. His eyes were glowing red and his claws were bared sharp and menacing. He looked like he was out for blood and Lucifer was his target. All of it everything about that insufferable creature, was because of him.

That Bratty man-child was going to pay.


Meanwhile Lucifer was finally doing his work, well he was doodling and playing tic tac toe with himself but at least he appeared to be working. After loosing to himself for the fifth game in a row, his door was forced open by a raging power that eminated from the infuriated deer demon behind it. His teeth were needle sharp, his red glowing eyes were shrunken inside pools of dark black pits, his antlers branched out beyond his head in unnatural gruesome angles, and his body was much thinner and more distended.

Lucifer just smiled his goofy smile and waved casually. "So how was the read?" He said cheerfully. Alastor charged toward the king with a menacing aura until he was a few inches from his face. "YOU! YOU DID IT!" He seethed. "YOU'RE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL!" The monstrous demon growled. "Now Alastor I was only responsible for her soul. How powerful she became was based solely on her own abilities, whether she meant to harm anyone or not." Lucifer explained still grinning like an asshole.

Some civil part of the buck had calmed down a bit but Alastor was still angry. "You bargained for an innocent soul, that's bad enough. But you had the audacity to model her form and powers after my own! Why?" He demanded. Lucifer just pulled out a fancy smoking pipe and blew bubbles from it. "Come now you know as well as I who's power was modeled after who's." He said. "She may have died before I did but she didn't manifest until after I, myself did. Was this your plan all along? Use that she-demon to throw me off and make me vulnerable? Let my guard down then strike when I least expect it?" The demon questioned.

Lucifer sighed before putting down his pipe. "Listen when you manifested with your powers you had already accumulated enough souls to broaden your strength and become what you are now. Allison was different, her soul was unwittingly sacrificed to me for trivial mortal desires." The king said being the most serious he'd been since Alastor got there.

The deer calmed down more and soon regressed back to his normal form. "I've collect many innocent souls throughout the centuries, but usually I would have to relinquish them to heaven. Allison was the exception because even she's had her fair share of sins." Alastor was silent at that statement. He read that part about what Allison did.

"What happened was necessary, she shouldn't have been damned for it." Alastor said after some time. "Even so God never asked for her soul. Besides it has nothing to do with the act itself, it was her reaction that kept her in damnation." Lucifer explained. This was the point where Alastor was confused. "Her-- reaction?" He asked, he hadn't read anything about Allison's personal feelings throughout the ledger of her life. He had only assumed a lot of her potential feelings all the way up till the end. Lucifer neatly stacked his papers together then placed them by his side.

"A mortal's true colors always shines through, when committing an act of sin, whether it is passion or power, one slip into that glorious mania and all that's left is euphoria and regret." He said cryptically.

Alastor gave a conflicted look. He'd read every detail of what Allison had to do. Every harsh action was necessary for her survival. He knew what Lucifer was trying to convey but it couldn't be possible, it just couldn't.

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