King Huiwen and Queen Dowager Xuan

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An ambition that was shared long before they met.

An ambition and passion that keeps them living for tomorrow. 

One who lost his true love too early,

one who lost her true love to a terrible accident. 

Fate pushed these two towards each other for a greater tomorrow. 

They were like the paintbrush and paint, two halves of a whole. 

She, who was stood for righteous and knew no fear.

Her heart only beats for one man no matter how long he has gone. 

Her pride that knows no boundaries or limits. 

Her eagerness to constantly challenge herself to broaden her horizons, 

found him, who supported and fed her hunger for knowledge,

who offered her his heart and protection for a lifetime. 

He, who admired her for her youthful recklessness, 

envied her bravery that could not be tied down was rare in the age.  

Joy he never expressed of finding someone who shared his ambition,

who shared his dreams to conquer and bring the world under one ruler. 

He, whose heart no longer sought true love, 

found himself falling for this young girl in front of him helplessly. 

No matter how hard or cold a heart has grown,

it will give in when one consistent and persistent.  

The best medicine for her broken heart was

to find that one person who listened to all her experiences, 

all her stories of happiness, joy, anger, sadness, envy, and pain. 

The one who walked down memory lane with her with no complaint, 

with an open mind, and heart of acceptance. 

Fate's red string curls around the two tighter, 

her simple wish of just wanting protection under the king's wing

turned into her being moved by his gestures and selflessness. 

A frozen heart has found an opportunity of rebirth, 

not only for love but for her ambitions and intellect to be revealed

with no fear of disapproval or rejection. 

Few words are needed between them, 

who know the other better than themselves, 

a single glance and one knew what the other planned to do, 

a single hint and one was able to finish the rest of the sentence. 

Words of promise and love were not needed

when actions spoke louder than words between them. 

In times of absolute bliss and peace,

jealousy will never lurk far because its human nature. 

How they wish they were the only two in this world,

to have no care of such pettiness and to be as they are. 

In the eyes of the world's envious and jealousy, 

what is considered important and precious to them started to split off 

in two separate directions. 

A wedge driven between them with

little hope of reconcile until it is far too late. 

Fear not as promises are not forgotten once they were vowed. 

Promises to keep their son safe from the cruelties of court politics,

to keep her safe from the arrows and swords from the unseen, 

to make sure she would be safe long after he was gone. 

Her silent promise to him to fulfill their ambition together to the world.

On his deathbed with wives and children surrounding him,

he asks for the audience of her once last time with death looming near. 

He asked if she had ever for even a moment truly loved him, 

if he was in her heart for even a moment of the decades together. 

Tears glistened in both of their eyes, 

she told him he was like a father and elder brother to her.

He chuckled in heartbrokenness.

She quickly added that he was her beloved husband. 

He comforted her that it was alright and

she wailed like a child in front of him. 

He asked her to play the song 

that he claimed as theirs and no one else's one last time. 

On his final breath, 

he asked for a strand of her hair to keep him company. 

She agreed and tied the strand with red string, 

pressing it into his hand. 

A promise to be connected forever, a symbol of love,

to find the other and destined to love each other regardless of 

circumstance, place, or time. 

Years long after he was gone,

she finally fulfilled their shared dream to the best of her ability. 

She had grown and became the exact same type of person he was

in his memory and promise to him. 

An unspoken promise

if there is a next life, 

let them find each other first before anyone else does and 

maybe there will be a little less heartbreak. 

King Huiwen and Queen Dowager XuanWhere stories live. Discover now