Believe me

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So please don't mind if the timeline gets a little wacky because I don't want anyone to die, so yeah. Also I might have random ideas anytime so there's no constant age as such. I'm posting a imagine where reader is 16 today, I might post one where the reader is 6 some other day. Because I've done almost all headshots and now I just am doing oneshots. I have a idea for another headshot but I'll need images for that so it'll take time.

Back to the story.

Pairing : Steve x Nat (Cause' Imma sucker for Romanogers)


Dad had started training me way back when I was 10, and now at age 16 I was a pro, still I had to train with the new recruits everyday. I really don't get why ? I mean I easily took down Uncle Clint and Peter in the hand to hand combat, and tied with Tasha. I don't retort though, if dad is making a decision for me it must be right. Right ?

"Okay, recruits please welcome your newest member Carla" Tasha announced as dad entered with a rather tall, beautiful brunette. I looked like a sack of potatoes compared to her. A little cute sack of potatoes though.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a second ?" Tasha asked and I nodded as I finished wrapping my arms for boxing.

"Yeah ?" I asked

"Look, I know we promised to take you out for movies and dinner but Fury has asked us to make Carla feel at home, cause' she's not just a new recruit she's a new Avenger too. So me and your dad will take her on a little tour today. Is it possible that you hang out with Bucky and Wanda today ?" she says. 

I takes me a little time to process everything, get over the fact that I won't get time to spend with dad and then after a good five minutes I nodded. She smiled apologetically and left to train the other recruits, while I went to the punching bags.

"Hello" a soft voice interrupts my counting. I stop the punching bag from swinging and turn around.

"Hey, Carla" I say smiling. 

"I would shake your hand but I'm sweaty and stinky right now so I wouldn't even come near me if I were you" I add as both of us chuckle.

"So, I'll see you around ?" I say and she politely nods. I complete my training and head back to my room.

That was one of the most awkward conversations I've evet had, like ever. 

I reach my room and see Uncle Bucky leaning against the wall outside my room. I grin widely and high five him. I let him inside my room, while I quickly shower. I change into a robe and come outside.

"Okay, quick tell me which one do I wear ?" I ask showing him two sets of clothing on my hanger.

"The first one, it's so obvious" he says making me laugh.

"The first one, it's so obvious" he says making me laugh

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