I just wanna bother him

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"Teru!!! You ready for out English final?" Kuroo asked looking at the sleep deprived blonde.

"Hells yes! This is the one final I actually feel confident about," Terushima laughed.

"Must be nice," Kuroo sighed. "I hate this class with a passion," he muttered under his breath.

"Oh come on it isn't that bad man!" Teru assured him. "Anyway I gotta go sit down I guess, I'll see you after class bro!" the blonde said as he walked over to his desk by the back of the class.

A few minutes passed by and the professor walked in. He also looked tired but unlike Terushima, the professor had an angry expression on his face.

Kuroo looked back to where Terushima was sitting and rolled his eyes. The two could tell it was gonna be one hell of a final as soon as they saw the old professor walk in. However something else caught Terushima's eye. It was Oikawa standing outside the classroom talking to somebody.

"Must be the new student," Terushima thought to himself.

Oikawa noticed the blonde staring at him and waved which made the new student look over as well. He was about the same height as Terushima, maybe taller by a little bit but you couldn't really tell the difference. Along with that he had a slim face, dark hair with bangs swept to the left side.

"Well he seems interesting," Terushima thought to himself. However he didn't really pay attention seeing as he had to focus on his upcoming english final. He didn't even notice when Oikawa left and the new student walked in.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student joining us. Daishou please introduce yourself," the professor announced.

"Good morning, my name is Daishou Suguru and I guess I'm the new student here. It's nice to meet you all."

"Alright thank you Daishou, please go take a seat next to Terushima over there," the professor said motioning over to where Terushima was sitting.

Daishou walked over to the back looking relieved that he didn't have to sit in the front.

"Hey, I'm Terushima. Usually I'd introduce myself more but we're about to start our final and frankly I'm kinda worn out," the blonde said as he looked over at Daishou.

Daishou just nodded and went back to fidgeting with his pencil.

"So he's the quiet type huh," Terushima thought to himself.

Soon enough the professor started handing out their essay prompts for their final along with the multiple choice section. Terushima felt a wave of relief hit him when he read the essay prompt for this semester's final. It was an argumentative essay meaning he had to pick a side or qualify what the prompt was saying but Terushima knew qualifying would risk a lower grade.

"Do you believe humans are selfless?"

It was an instant 50/50 in Terushima's mind. He could argue either way which meant he would go with whichever one his brain went to first. "No."

Terushima spent the next half hour writing his essay, he felt he had strong arguements but all of a sudden the blonde stopped for a second. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that a certain new student was looking over at his paper.

"So that's how this is gonna be huh," Terushima thought to himself. "Then let's make this a bit more fun!" The blonde smiled to himself.

All of a sudden Terushima changed his essay argument points into more unique pieces of evidence that proved humans could not be selfless. It definitely succeeded in confusing Daishou. The new student looked thrown off at Terushima's new evidence but that didn't stop him from copying.

Once Terushima reached the multiple choice part of the exam, he answered the questions in a mixed order to make Daishou struggle in catching on to what questions he was answering. However Daishou caught on to what Terushima was doing and lucky for him, he actually knew most of the multiple choice part so he didn't end up copying from Terushima anymore.

Soon enough the class period ended and the students had to turn in their finals. Once they turned them in; Terushima went back to where his desk was but instead the blonde stood in front of the new student.

"Daishou was it?" Terushima smiled.


"You're taking me out tomorrow for food," Terushima winked at the new student.

"Hold up what?" Daishou questioned raising his eyebrows at the blonde.

"Well it's the least you could do after cheating on my test!" Terushima grinned.

"Oh... listen man I can expla-"

"Nope! Save it for tomorrow, by the way I'm craving sushi. Here's my number!" Terushima said as he left to go talk to Kuroo leaving Daishou speechless but slightly annoyed.

"So Teru what was that about? Kid over there looks confused as hell," Kuroo pointed out.

"Oh I caught him cheating on my exam so now he owes me food," Terushima explained.

"Hm well I don't trust him already, but free food is free food." Kurro shrugged.

"It sure is! Hopefully he cheats some more so I can drain his wallet for more food," Terushima grinned.

"Yeah okay, just make sure he doesn't try anything funny," Kurro sighed.

"Pfft I fucking doubt it!" Terushima laughed. "He looked so annoyed the minute I called him out. So I just wanna bother him and maybe strike up a deal," Terushima shrugged.

"and that deal would be?" Kuroo asked.

"If he wants to cheat off my exams he owes me a meals worth of food per test!" Terushima proudly announced.

"Damn, if I knew it were that easy, I would've sat next to you instead!" Kuroo laughed.

"Well you didn't so now if you excuse me, I have to go to Chemistry, so bye Kuroo!" Terushima said as he walked away to get to his next class.

So you decided to cheat...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat