Chapter 2

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Dragonspeech bolded as usual! Enjoy!

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Just to say that there are literally only FOUR meetings between Alduin and DB in total in the whole game -.-" this chapter is so short cause I didn't know what to write about cause only FOUR meetings lol Sooooo deviating from lore as of next chapter.


    So much had changed. Time had not stood still for him. He does not recognize much of the landscape. The mountain is a constant. A sleeping titan.

    A blink had passed and he recognized nothing. Solstheim was no longer part of Skyrim. The cities he had seen built nothing but ruins. Ravaged and scarred, the land changed, bleeding and torn. The sky had not, like the mountain.

    He stood on the platform of Skuldafn, overlooking the whole of Skyrim. He could see the souls of his kin dancing on the grass and wind, trapped close to where their bodies had given out. He could sense his brother where he hadn't before, the cowardly traitor had hid. The temptation to pay the younger brother a visit was great, but he had too many things to do. So many dovah needed life breathed back into their bones. There would be plenty of Time for Paarthurnax soon.

    Mirmulnir had stood guard of Skuldafn, remaining beyond the eyes of man. He had sent him forth. A powerful dovah he was and guard he was no more. Ruby eyes watched the flow of the aura left behind by his faithful servant until it vanished behind the Throat of the World. Much work to be done.

    He opened his wings and took to the heavens. His Legendary dragons and his Generals needed life given to them first. Odahviing was near, his most trusted kin. He ignored the filthy human construct that was close and made for the Ice Hunter's tomb. He hovered there before Shouting the life giving Thu'um down at the mound.

    There was a silence that gradually gave way as the stone covering the mound cracked and broke open. White bones pushed up from the ground, a skull open its jaws. Tendons and flesh rebuild his general from the inside out. He watches as the dragon shrieks and roars, bursting into life in the midst of the transformation.

    " Alduin !"

    " Odahviing ." He hovers quietly over the reforming drake for a moment before he continues, " Skyrim is mine , the Nords need to be reminded of this ."

    The sun reflects on bright, red scales as they flare and settle Odahviing's hide. He was fully regenerated. The red dov nodded his great head and lowered his gaze.

    " Yes, Alduin ." He remains prostrate.

    The World Eater stays but a mere moment longer before leaving Odahviing behind. He trusts the red drake. There were others still to revive, Odahviing would adapt the fastest as he enjoyed the company of the Nords. He had always stunk of them.

    So many of his kin were buried across Skyrim. He cuts the air silently, keeping over the clouds where his massive black shadow is shielded from Nirn. He moved to Autumnshade Woods, not far from Odahviing had been in terms of flight. He Shouted and waited.


    Night reigned when he returned to Skuldafn.

    He'd resurrected many this day. He would wait a little. Give time for the humans to adjust so he could properly judge their strength. If a greater force was needed to subdue them, he would raise it. He had all the Time in the world now.

    There was the matter of the Elder Scrolls. They had to be removed from the hands of mortals. Where could he start? How many were there on Nirn? He closed his eyes and relaxed his breathing. He focused on the sounds surrounding him.

    Items that affected Time gave off a soft humming noise, men were deaf to it. Dragons were able to hear the humming and could follow it back to the source if they focused. He took a deep heavy breath, followed by another. Focus.

    Where was the scroll? He carefully picked through the myriad of sounds and after a few moments he was able to separate the distinct hum of the scroll from the rest of the noise pollution.


    An aggravated snort, red eyes open slowly. Dwemeris. He was not surprised merely annoyed. Intelligence was not wasted on the shorter mers. Their traps were nuisances. Lethal for many, but not him. His bones could not be broken or cut.

    He lowered his head to the platform and watched the hues and flows of the aurora. He would travel soon. After the aurora finished whispering its secrets to the night, he would find the entrance, there was Time for that. His tail slid lazily across the floor.


    A great cry echoes throughout Skyrim. His horned head rises quickly and he turns so that his gaze is on the Throat of the World. He stands, stretching his wings. He can see the aura of Mirmulnir through the mountain. He also sees the small white light that is the Dragonborn.

    He blinks as the greater aura that is his loyal servant vanishes and the white light brightens considerably. This is followed by a Shout of Unrelenting Force, just the first Word. The claws from his rear legs flex into the ground, creating furrows in the stone.

    The Dragonborn killed Mirmulnir and absorbed his soul. The strength in the human now increased. Red eyes narrow. That was not meant to happen. He was the master here, subordination was not tolerated. He opens his great maw and Shouts an answer. He would be given fealty.

    A challenge is sounded, but not by the Dragonborn. He does not show his surprise. His voice is drowned out. The Greybeards are calling for the Dragonborn to come to High Hrothgard. Red eyes narrow further. Paarthurnax is meddling again. A growl rumbles in his chest, and he opens his massive black wings.

    Silenced he would not be. Paarthurnax he would visit again. The Dragonborn had been summoned to the Throat of the World. He wanted to cross paths with them. They needed reminding that he had saved their life. They were one of his subjects, not his brother's. He would settle this now.

    He takes to the heavens and flaps his giant wings until he is higher than anything living or standing. The air is thin here, he is barely able to remain afloat. He can see the whole of Skyrim and parts of other countries he cares very little for. He can see Paarthurnax, a grey glowing dot surrounded by rocks and stones of the sleeping mountain.

    It was Time for them to speak.  

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