Chapter 2

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The walk from her car to her front door felt oddly long like time was slowed as she pressed the elevator button up to the 6th floor. Walking down her now unusually long hallway to fiddle with her hands before typing in the keycode to her front door. Being greeted with the dim light she left on before leaving that morning and a small black cat sitting on her countertop.

"Yejin-ah! I'm home!" She dropped her bags at the door, proceeding to pick up her small cat and hug him close to her chest. Yejin was literally the only reason Minnie looked forward to coming home. Sure she said she had her bed and TV, but how long would it take for her to get bored? Not very long.

Yejin was initially a street kitten she found outside of a convenience store about a year ago. She went on a cigarette run—what a horrible habit Miyeon had picked up. She had requested her to get a pack since she didn't want to get caught in the rain and Minnie just so happened to be out already. Hiding in a little milk crate near the outside corner of the store sat a small black cat. Its little ears poking out of an old worn towel. How could she not take him home?

Wrapping him up in her jacket and walking into the pet shop down the street she purchased an unhealthy amount of cat toys and goods. Yejin was hers, he was home. Finally putting him down, he retreated to his luxurious cat tower placed on the side of her living room.

Her apartment wasn't anything special, small and bare, she only kept a couple house plants and modern minimal pieces of furniture around. Other than that, it was very simple; she didn't really own a lot of possessions. The only thing moderately expensive she owned was her keyboard, and she had barely any time to play these days. Going into her bedroom, she changed out of her work clothes and into a large purple sweater and sweat pants.

Head halfway through the sweatshirt hole and she heard a knock at her door. She knew it was Miyeon, only Miyeon would knock on her door when she had a perfectly functioning doorbell. It was just a Cho Miyeon thing, one of her many quirks; she never stepped in puddles, not even as a kid, she never smoked the last cigarette in the pack, she would just throw it away, and she would sometimes cut the crusts off bread to eat and then throw away the rest of the slice. She was a very odd person, one that Minnie couldn't help falling for time and time again.

"Hello Ms.Kim," she smiled goofily, take out in hand.

"Hi, Miyeon." She stepped aside and let the older girl into her home.

"Your place is so boring, is this the payment for having Yejin around. I told you to stop buying so many cat toys and buy some furniture with color ."

"Excuse me, I happen to like my apartment." She defended.

"Well anyways, you're house is still homier than my unit."

"And why is that?" Minnie was unpacking the fried chicken Miyeon brought, laying the food out on her small dining table near the open kitchen.

"I don't know, no matter how much stuff I fill my place with it still feels empty. But when I'm here it feels different."

"Because it's smaller." Minnie was still arranging the utensils on napkins and moving to get beer from her fridge.

"No, because you're here."

Turning her head over her shoulder to take a good look at Miyeon to make sure she wasn't already drunk and, no, she wasn't. Normally the eye doctor had a tendency to get cheesy when she was tipsy, but this wasn't the case.

"What makes you say that?" She turned her attention back to the small drink selection on the shelves of her empty fridge.

In My Dreams (MiMin) (gxg)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя