"You can call them whatever you like. Baelfire and Delphinia will not be part of it," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, they're already a part of it. The question is, what are you willing to do to get them back?" Pan said.

"I'm gonna make you regret ever asking that question," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Oh, I understand you're upset. Most parents' worst fear is that their children will be taken away from them. Hence why I'm back for Delphinia," Pan smirked at him, "You'll never play the father role for her, you'll always be something else to her. But that fear the most have, isn't yours, is it, Rumpel? No. You're not afraid Baelfire will be taken from you. You're afraid he'll leave with Delphinia. After all, being abandoned is what you're good at, isn't it? Everyone you've ever known has left, haven't they? Like Bae's mother, Milah. Not to mention your own father. Why should Baelfire be any different?" Pan said.

"You're wrong," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Am I? Well, let's find out, shall we? You ask Baelfire and Delphinia if they want to come to Neverland with me or stay here with you. If they want to stay, I'll leave and never return, I want my daughter happy after all. Deal?" Pan said.

"I don't have to make any deals with you," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"But why wouldn't you, if you're so sure they'll stay?" Pan said.

Rumpelstiltskin looked at the children dancing around the fire with a worried look on his face when he saw Delphinia with a mask on running towards Pan who scoops her up and she giggled, holding on.

"You having fun?" Pan asked with a smile.

"Mhm! Yep! It's fun with you!" Delphinia said happily and hugged him.

"So glad you're happy, my sweet lassie," Pan said.

"My daddy used to call me that," Delphinia said.

"Did he?" She nodded and her mask fell a little, "Oopies," Delphinia said and pushed the mask up a little.

"Here, let me tighten that a little," Pan said and carefully tighten it as Rumpelstiltskin watched them sadly.

End of Flashback

The Lost Boys danced around a fire while banging sticks together as drums played. Pan was looking at the map Delphinia wore when she was a child in the Enchanted Forest.

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