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Mother was proud I was made head boy.

The dark lord threatened to kill Kreacher this summer. I'm so glad I get to go away for a whole year

Oliva wasn't made head girl. We all knew who they would select

And I was right sitting in that compartment I watched her walk in with a head girl badge.

I admired every inch of her. She cut her hair again. it was shorter and she now had a fringe

Still the finest piece of art

"Can't believe they selected a mudblood as head girl" Olivia sneered wrapping her arm around mine

Hestia smiled at her. That smile I would die for. That kind smile

She unpacked in the bed room across from mine.

Like a kicked puppy dog I knocked on her door

She opened the door, she was in her night gown ready for bed

"Good to see you Davies" Why the fuck am I calling her that

"Likewise" She looked away and closed the door.

I was expecting her to let me in. She didn't. She had let me in too many times. And it always ended the same.

So every morning I heard her door, longing for the day she would knock on my door

I'd let her in.

Welcome her home.

This year she was partnered again with Barty who I even have to admit got handsome over time

Slytherin house only started treating her worse. All her protecters had graduated.

They would enchant all her link to be transparent, during quidditch games they would commit so many fouls towards her.

It was no use. She got up every single time.

Evan who was much taller than her would "bump" into her in the corridors so hard she'd fall back

No one helped her up.

She got up herself.

I never stopped it. I could've easily. But no one could know that she was my soft spot.

I was entering my room when she was entering hers as well

I could hear her sniffing, and hear slight cries as she tried to open her door

Barty enchanted the door lock to change. and our locked were enchanted so no one could use a simple "Alohamora" charm

"No fucks sake" she dropped the keys

and just stayed on the floor

"Please leave Black" she noticed I had my door open but was still watching her

"Here" I extended my arm

"I'm fine. Don't let anyone see you with a mudblood. Recon Olivia will be here soon" She got up without my hand

I didn't even know what to say. I'd never seen her angry. Her finger tips sizzled

"Bombarda Máxima" she blew her door

once she stepped inside her room she looked at me. She bit her lip as to not saying anything she'd regret


The door started building itself

She was gone.

Something seriously wrong with me because after that I still didn't stop my "friends"

During dinner Lacon Greengrass enchanted a bucket of pigs blood and mud to fall on top of her

I remember hearing that table yell

Her scream and the blood poured over her

"Ms. Davies" McGonagall ran over to her

"It's fine professor McGonagall" she wiped the blood and mud away from her face

She walked away before she could even say anything

McGonagall cleaned up the mess and Dumbledore took 100 points away from slytherin house because everyone was laughing

By the time winter break came the light inside of her had faded

It had been weeks since I last saw her smile

I remember hearing her scream when she found the dead pig Barty and Evan placed in her bed

They had tainted her honey eyes

She dropped out of slug club. Olivia kept enchanting her food to spill on top of her head

And I did nothing

I didn't hear from her the entire break. I noticed she had taken off the locket.

At kings cross Sirius picked her up. They stayed in each other's arms for awhile before disapparating

I sat in my empty room hating my life without her bright smile.

Why did I have to be the weak one? Sirius would've defended her. Even Potter would have stopped them.

But no I laughed along.

As they pushed her down as they mocked her. I laughed.

Soon school will be over and i'll never seen her again.

She was surrounded by darkness that put her light out.

I had never felt so empty.

Slow tears rolled down my face.

I allowed other people to ruin her.

The only person that was kind and good. I let them ruin.

I would hate me too Hestia.

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