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Living without Sirius was hell. I missed him everyday. The house felt empty, and now mum and dad only had me to boss around

I boarded kings cross with my shiny new prefects pin

I sat in the prefects compartment waiting to see how else got selected

Hestia sat down across from her. Her skin was golden with a summer tan. She had added blonde pieces to her hair that was a hit shorter and she had that usual big smile

Except for me. She hadn't even turned to me. Understandable

"Another mudblood as prefect" Olivia Bulstrode sneered

She was met with a smile from Hestia. Watching her smile made my heart skip a beat

"Ready Davy?" Sirius smile wickly as the meeting finished

Of course they were still friends. Of course they have nicknames for each other

"Wanna sit in a compartment with me?" Bulstrode smiled nothing like her smile

"No" All I wanted to do was think about Hestia in peace. She lived in my head. Now for years.

I was lucky enough to be paired with her for potions.

"Tell your mum I said congratulations" Syra turned around

"Thank you Sy she really wants you to come over" She smiled tucking her hair behind her ear

Congratulations on what?

"Congratulations on what?" I finally asked

"You  wouldn't understand it" She said nicely

"I'm not an idiot" I frowned slightly

"I know that" she continued making her potion

"Going to secure another quidditch championship?" Syras partner Charlie asked

"Recon James as captain we'll be unstoppable"

"I'll go to all your games" He smirked, this clown

"Aren't you in gryffindor? I would hope you would" I said out loud and purposely

"He was just being nice" She whispered when he turned around

"He's an idiot"

"He's nice, recon it wouldn't kill you to try that once in awhile, just a thought"

"I know my thoughts mean nothing to you" She looked up from her caldron


Watching her in those quidditch robes, watching her on that broom the thoughts that filled my brain. Watching her bite her lip in class or even lick her bottom lip I felt my body hot and my lower half start tensing up

"Is it hard yet?" she turned

"What" I panicked

"The potions supposed to be solid before we can add anything else" she raised an eyebrow

she's asking if the potions hard not you idiot.

"Oh it's almost solid" I swallowed hard

It was worse that December when she accidentally spilled some water on my pants

"I'm sorry" she started patting me down

"Please stop" I held onto the table sides

"Oh" she moved her hands off my now very hard self and blushed deeply

"Sorry" she held in a laugh

"Yup" I tried not to think about it anymore

When winter came around she looked adorable with her red nose and pink cheeks

She seemed down when I went to my usual midnight at the astronomy tower

"Davies?" I approached her

"Scared me" she put herself together quickly

"Thought gryffindors weren't scared of anything"

"Suppose so right"

That moment was perfect, her hair was messily down, her honey eyes swam in the moonlight.

"You barely talked to me this whole year" I felt like a boy asking for forgiveness

"I'm a useless mudblood remember, I never expected us to be best friends, I just wanted you to know you weren't alone"

"You know I beat myself up everyday for saying that to you"

"I know" she looked over at me

Without thinking of the consequences I leaned in and kissed her lips, she only kissed me back slightly

"I don't want you to do something you'll regret" she pulled away

"I want you so fucking badly Hestia" I cupped her soft face and kissed her

Her lips were the water I needed to survive, her arms around my waist made me feel safe

She tasted like ripe strawberries and I wanted more. I could never get enough

"You taste like firewhiskey" she pulled away

"You give off the same effect" she was like my personalized drug

"Goodbye Regulus"

Goodbye? "Bye Davies"

She walked off.

I recon i've never been the same since that day. We never kissed again. I had dreams of her lips, watching her talk during class all I could do was watch her lips

As the school year ended I dreaded not being able to see her everyday.

Like the moon must miss the sun. Yet they could never be together, maybe that was the truth I have to accept.

"The dark lord has called you in my boy" My father stood tall and proud

Hestia deserved better than a now official death eater

Yet on my birthday she still sent me a card

"Happy birthday, hope you enjoy the piece of cake and that your day has been a piece of cake, actually recon that's something only muggles know. Happy birthday"

I tried not to smile as I opened the strawberry piece of cake

Her lips and my lips formed an apocalypse. There's no going back

Apocalypse | Regulus Black Where stories live. Discover now