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Hitting puberty that summer was hell for me. Taller, had a deeper voice and these hormones were driving my crazy

Sirius wasn't made prefect and he didn't give a damn in the world

I sat down with Barty on the train and Evan Rosier who had grown literally five inches over summer holiday

But holy god. Hestia walked into the train looking like a women. She now had developed breast and her face was more defined but again she had full sized breast

She was wearing low rise jeans and her stomach was exposed

I sat up straight when she walked by, Barty fixed his hair quickly

"Hiya Regulus" she waved and walked to Syra who was already waiting for her

Why do goddesses waste their time on earth. Recon she would've fit in better with the gods

Looking at her in class was like reading raw true poetry. Hearing her speak was like hearing your favorite song for the first time.

But that year I wasn't the only one who noticed her feminine features

My heart was pulled out of my chest watching her walk with Daren Browns arm over her

I felt jealously like no other. Daren was a bloody pureblood slytherin and he was dating a gryffindor mudblood.

That christmas holiday when she went home, he stayed and snogged various other girls that stayed

He didn't deserve her. He was given the gift of being of with her the bloody privilege and he was an unfaithful dog.

Recon I hexed his lips shut the day after I found out

Things got even worse. Sirius left. He actually left. He was the only person I had. That I cared about and he left.

With tears in my eyes I begged him to stay. I needed him.

He turned his eyes away before he dropped the floo powder

Coward. Couldn't even look me in the eyes.

He knew what we had to endure in that house yet he still left, how could someone be so selfish

She wasn't. "Sirius told me what happened are you okay? If you want to talk" I crumbled the paper

I waited until after dinner to confront her

"Leave me alone Davies stop sending me bloody owls"

"I just know it must've hurt when he left"


I noticed the tears building up in her honey eyes. I never felt more regret and I wanted to take it back. I wanted to tell her I didn't mean it

But she lifted her head up high and walked away. I knew Hestia Davies was not going to take my shit.

and the fucking person who comforted her was Daren.

I hated Daren more than anyone that year. I hated hearing him tell the boys what they had done or how she let him grab her breast

"Daren shut the fuck up" He couldn't stand hearing him disrespect an angel like Hestia

Someone let it slip that Daren had snogged girls and she broke up with him in front of everyone. No questions asked

"Mudblood I only dated you to see if you'd let me in your pants" He snapped making the table giggle

"Glad I didn't." She looked empowered with her hair tied up and back straight

Slughorn loved her. She was bright and never once was rude or interrupted his lessons. She had earned her seat at the table and out of pure talent not just last name

I needed to apologize. She looked at me and would no longer smile at me. Those months without her felt very cold.

It was the last Slugclub dinner. She was wearing a nice dress with her crazy hair down

Everyone had walked out including her

"Davies" I called out. Not loudly if she heard she heard if not it was fine

She stopped and turned around "Black" ouch.

I didn't know what to say. So like an idiot I said nothing. I stood in her presence and just froze

"Have a good holiday" She looked disappointed and walked away

"I'm sorry" I blurted

"Your empty words mean nothing to me"

"I'm not going to beg for your forgiveness" who am I kidding i'll be on my knees if you asked

"I would've never asked that from the sole heir to the Black name" She gave me a half smile

The sun didn't shine the same on my skin from that day on.

Hestia Davies was a women who respected herself and wasn't going to let me seize the life out of her.

Apocalypse | Regulus Black Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt