Purple Green And Yellow

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Melissa noticed her friends had coloring markers they made wonderful pictures Melissa didn't have any color markers all she had is paint.

"Monica everyone has coloring markers but me."

"Why don't you ask Scourge he will get you colorante marcadores."

"Ok I will do that Monica."

"Colornate marcadores." Tony said very confussed.

"That means coloring markers in Spanish."

"Oh I get it."

Melissa went over to Scourge who was playing video games with his friends.

"Scourge I need some coloring markers all my friends have coloring markers they make wonderful pictures Scourge I must have them."

"No Melissa you can't have coloring markers I've heard about coloring markers kids draw on walls, they draw on the floor, and they draw on themselves, you can't have any coloring markers." said Scourge.

"They just draw on the paper I can have them please."

"All right I'll buy the coloring markers for you."

"Yay thanks Scourge."

"Anything for a kid."

Scourge give her Mr. Sketch markers.

"Okay I got the markers can you promise me not to draw on the wall draw on the floor and draw on yourself."

"I promise."

Melissa started drawing pictures.

She draw animals and fruits.

She didn't get any trouble.

The coloring markers did smell like fruit.

"I heard about the commercial of Mr. Sketch Markers that smell must be come from one of the fruit's fart."

She giggled.

Scourge was amazed what she was doing.

"Wow this kid is an artist."

Everyone was amazed as well.

Melissa was proud what she did.

The next day during the battle against Dr. Eggman.

Melissa got out coloring makers and started to draw on the wall outside Dr. Eggman's lair.

Melissa laughed.

"He's really going to start screaming like a goat when he sees this."

When she got back Scourge noticed Melissa was holding a box of markers.

"Melissa did you made graffiti on the walls again."

"Uh no."

Scourge knows Melissa is lying.

"Melissa do not lie to me tell me the truth."

"All right I did put graffiti on the wall I draw on Dr. Eggman's lair wall."

Scourge couldn't be mad at her.

"Eggface is so totally going to scream like a goat when he see this."

"But remember no coloring on the wall got it."

"Got it."

"Good girl."

Scourge Boom Season 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora