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It was a month since I'd joined Orochimaru, and nothing so far had changed. Kabuto had gone to find new recruits at the annual Chuunin exams, that were being held in Konoha. I'd already become a Chuunin, though, so the fact that he had gone without me didn't bother me in the slightest.

Speaking of Kabuto... He was 19, making him 6 years older than myself. We'd always gotten along, and my master claimed that at times we were inseperable, but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Kabuto was a spy, and there was nothing stopping him from revealing my existence to our enemy- the Akatsuki.

Master wanted to keep me a secret from the world, especially the group with the black cloaks. It was probably because he thought I was so special. Secret or not, though, he often sent me on assassination missions, because my target would never live to tell a soul. Literally. 

I sighed, making my way into the training room where I'd often practise controlling my rare Kekkei Genkai, which was essentially moving objects with my mind. However, it was already occupied; Orochimaru was doing some form of training, but I couldn't tell what it was in the darkness. 

"Ah, Naomi," he said, his raspy voice bringing a smile onto my face.

"Master, I didn't realise you were training today," I replied, stepping back so the door would close. However, he spoke up, his voice echoing in the otherwise silent space.

"Sit. You'll be training with me today, Naomi." I nodded, kneeling down at his feet and bowing my head respectfully. "Now, try to throw a kunai at the target using that technique of yours." As he finished, the door closed, making the room completely black so I couldn't see.

The kunai was placed in front of me, the tip facing forwards. I closed my eyes, picturing the target in the centre of the room, and the others on the walls and in the corners. The sound of the kunai rattling against the stone floor brought a smirk to my face, and then it, along with the others I had created in a split second, flew, hitting each target dead-centre. 

"Nicely done, child." Orochimaru pulled me to my feet, leading me out into the long, twisting corridors of the hideout. "Next, I want you to move one of my experiments," he said, smirking. I nodded, feeling my eyelids growing heavier by the second. 

"O- Orochimaru-sama-" I started, begining to feel unpleasantly dizzy. The room was spinning around me, making me lose my footing and fall to the floor in a heap. "W- What's happening to me?" 

"Are you sick? Come on, get up!" He growled, annoyed at my sudden behaviour. I tried to stand, but my head burned with an agony unlike anything else I'd felt. My entire being was shaking, and only then did he realise something was wrong with me.

"I- it hurts, it hurts!" I cried, holding my head in both hands as he kneeled beside me, trying to figure out what was wrong. I thought I heard him say something, but as I turned to look at him, my vision turned black and I fell again, unable to move.


By the time I woke up, Kabuto was standing over me, his hands glowing with chakra. He didn't seem to notice I was awake, though. 

"K- Kabuto?" I winced as I tried to sit up, my head still aching.

"Shush, go back to sleep," he said softly, smiling down at me with affection. I shook my head, refusing to do as he asked. "What, not tired?" 

"It's not that..." I trailed off, looking straight up at the ceiling. "I think Orochimaru-sama is angry at me," I said, closing my eyes for a second. Kabuto froze. "What?" I asked, confused by his 'are you kidding' expression.

"Angry at you? He's not angry, trust me," the grey-haired boy said. 

"How do you know?" I raised an eyebrow, blowing a few strands of snowy white hair out of my eyes.

"He doesn't." Orochimaru stood behind him, sending a chill down my spine. "He just assumes that he's the only one that lets me down," he said, glaring at the boy. I looked down at my hands, avoiding eye contact with the snake.

"I'm sorry, master, but I thought I would be fine."

"Well," he started, looking at me with more affection than anything. "I think you should rest for a while. Find me when you're ready to train again." 

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama..."

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