Chapter 1- Accident

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It was a monday, the day of Sejeong's long awaited dance contest. Her alarm rings and she wakes up, seeing the time she only had 30 mins to prepare. In a hurry, she took a bath and picks a white long sleeve crop top and a yellow short jeans as her outfit. 

She runs to the kitchen and sees her family having breakfast together

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She runs to the kitchen and sees her family having breakfast together.

Sejeong: Good Morning Unnie!

Yuri(Older sister): Sejeong!! Your going to be late!

Sejeong: Don't worry...I still have time

Sejeong's Mom: Sejeong, your dad and I can't come to your contest today. 

Sejeong: It's fine, Yuri and Eunho can come right?

Eunho(Younger brother): Noona, I have a basketball game today so I can't.

Yuri: I'll try to come, I still have a meeting

Sejeong: But you two promised you'd come!

Sejeong picks her bag up and storms out of her house with a disappointed look on her face

She realizes that she had to rush to the bus stop. She arrives panting and she jumps into the crowded bus.


Sejeong notices a crowd gathering near their school gate

Sejeong: Why are there so many people today?

A random girl sneaks up beside her

Girl: I heard a student from the U.S is joining the contest. I assume his good-looking.

Sejeong: But why would he be joining a contest in Seoul?

Girl: I think his going to transfer in this school next week.

Sejeong: Interesting...Bdw what's your name?

Hana: I'm Hana, a transferee from Busan and I'm going to join the contest as well.

Sejeong: Me too. We should go to our classes already, or we're dead.

Hana: I'm in class C4, how about you?

Sejeong: Looks like we're going to the same class.

They walk to their class and sits seconds before the teacher enters

Teacher: I assume you guys know there is a new student today!

The teacher calls Hana up front.

Teacher: Introduce yourself

Hana: Hi I'm Seo Hana, from Busan and I hope we all get along.

Teacher: You can now take your seat because I have an important announcement.

Teacher: Hana and Sejeong you should go to the foyer. Contestants are excused for today's class

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