Joy: Take the lipsticks and apply babies!
You make your way and choose a bright pink. You open the cap and look for someone to apply on.
You hide your expression when Jimin was the only one sitting.
Do I have to do him?

You were about to turn around, however, he grips your wrist and pouts his lips ready for some sexy lipstick.

Jimin: Go on.
You take your hand back and sigh.

Raemi: I could do it?
She smiles innocently.
Jimin glances over and makes a face, to make the plan to work with you. Raemi's brightened face goes dark and she just smiles and nods.
You look over at him. He softly smirks and your heart skips when you look at him so up close.
You press the stick against his plump lips. You concentrate on applying it over, holding his chin to balance.

Jimin: Do you not want to talk still?

Y/N: What is there to talk about?

Jimin: Well, what happened to you on the field and why you still aren't talking.

Y/N: There is nothing to talk about, except from the fact your stealing raemi.
You glare.

Jimin: What? Me?
He laughs. Then looks at your serious face.

Jimin: Your serious?

Y/N: Yes I am.
He stares deeply onto your face. You clear your throat and continue with your actions. But even as you move, uncomfortably on the spot, he watches closely. His eyes not leaving your face. Your heart starts to beat in your ears and you cheeks turning rashy red. Damn it, this boy.
You quickly apply the lipstick around his cheeks and outside of his line of lips.

Y/N: There.
You weakly whisper and look away.

Jimin: Thanks.
He says but you already had walked off to hide the red blush.
What was so wrong with me that you are being rude and pushing me away? He thought, insecurely, to himself.


Y/N: Picture time!

Y/N: Damn, you guys look hideously sexy.
All the losers, had lipsticks badly all over their lips and some on their cheeks. It was a hilarious sight to see, especially after the sweaty, confident, intense match.
Namjoon looks over to Seokjin and then snorts.

Seokjin: What the fuck do you want?

Namjoon: Nothing you look sexy.

Yoongi: He ain't lying.
Everyone saw the lipstick that was applied over his eyebrows and the blush circles on his cheeks, except him.

Taehyung: Hey, Hyung? I think you have a lil-
Jimin pins Taehyung to the floor as he humour-fully barks with laughter.

Y/N: Your such an annoying pig.
You glare with a teasing smile.

Taehyung: But you love me.
Jimin clears his throat and walks away, as you two have a conversation.

Jimin rolls his eyes as he reaches Raemi.

Jimin: She's always flirting with him. Damn it.

Raemi: Damn you, Jimin. Forgot about her for a second, will you?
She smiles at him, and pokes his sullen cheeks.

Raemi: Dance with me.
Jimin's lips curve upwards as he holds her close and spins her. Raemi enjoys herself in his arms.

Raemi: We don't even know why she isn't talking or being rude. She isn't even telling you why. It's not fair. Just stop thinking about her, hm?
She raises her eyebrows softly.

Jimin: Fuck off.
He snorts.

Jimin: Your saying it like I'm obsessed and talk about her every second-

Jimin: Why are you looking at me like that?

Raemi: Your a total idiot. You are. You can't see what's in front of you. Only thinking about her mean ass.
She was about to walk off.

Jimin: Great. Now you too?
But she takes a U-turn and pulls him to the group.

Raemi: Picture time~
She teases.

Hoseok: Right pose sexy people!
He sets the timer and rushes back, speedily. But the first picture was a fail because he accidentally pushed the group. You toppled over, as you were in the middle, and landed right on Jungkooks chest.
You snort as he rolls his eyes.

Jungkook: You tryin something there, Noona?
You flick his forehead.

Y/N: I'm sorry, you just look so sexy with that sexy lipstick.
He chuckles and helps you up.

Jungkook: Damn it, Noona saw my dignity being stripped away.
You punch his muscly arms.

Y/N: Shut it, Kook.
After the pictures were taken, milkshake was ordered. The sun was setting and the darkness of the evening arriving.
You couldn't stop staring at Jimin and Raemi. It was getting to your nerves. Why was she so smiley with him? Were you really jealous of your best friend being stolen, or the fact Jimin was smiling with a girl?

Yoongi pushes your elbows. You clear your throat and drink your milkshake.

Yoongi: Whats up with you?

Y/N: Just...

Yoongi: Just?
He raises his eyebrows.

Y/N: Just thinking about how good the milkshake is. I should thank that rich bastard.
He laughs at your response.

Yoongi: You don't have to tell me. But I'm here or there's them too.
You look over at him and softly smile.

Y/N: I'll be fine.
He nods firmly.

Yoongi: Good. Now let me get back to my girlfriend before she finishes my milkshake too.

Y/N: Don't let her steal it!!
He laughs and rushes back, as you swirl your straw in your drink.



hewwo, hehe. you have the right to be mad- i haven't updated in so long! im sorry!

the story will start to build-up and ill try my best to make it entertaining, so stay with me haha.


stay safe <3

peace out!

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