Chapter 9

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After their battle with the diamond kingdom mage, who was now in a special cage, made by Klaus steel creation magic while Klaus himself was holding his grimoire, " Are you sure that's gonna work?" Asked Asta while yawning. Nero on his head.

"Are you doubting my magic?! he is uncouncious and I have his grimoire" said Klaus looking annoyed.

"Well I'm just happy that none of us were siriously injured" said Mimosa smiling who was now out of the flower healing cage.

"Are you sure you should be moving now, you were hit badly.." said Noelle looking concerned.

"Oh no I'm fine, I'm mostly healed now and thank you for defending me back there" said Mimosa thanking Noelle.

"Hmph! I'm not defending you..You're always to use fall over.. make sure be more careful" she said looking embarrassed from the praised .

"Well thank you anyway!" said Mimosa.

Klaus then coughed getting their attention, "Anyway it looks like we were the ones to reach the treasure hall first, so we won the competition, but I guess just this once will allow you to walk in with us" he said.

" Oi shut up, If me, Noelle and Luck wasn't arrived in here to saved your ass, your career as a NOBLE are done for four eyes.." Said Asta annoyed.

"How dare you call me that?! we had everything under complete control and would have succeeded without you" said klaus annoyed.

" No you wouldn't you four eyes" Replied Asta. We're defineltey involved now" thought Yuno with his expressionless

"Perhaps we should go to the treasure hall now" said Noelle pointing at the treasure hall door and stopping the argument.

"Alright we're going to go in there and claim what's in there for the clover kingdom." ( Yeah I'm gonna be reach!!!!) thought Asta while holding his demon slayer sword.

" Hmph! As if you can destroyed this door" Said Klaus. Asta cut a big triangle hole in the door with his demon slayer. The piece of the door that was cut off vanished. " Huh? You said something four eyes?"Asked Asta. " Well nothing" replied Klaus suprised and embarrassed a bit.

"Whoa there's so much treasure" said Asta looking surprised as he walked into the treasure hall with the others.

"How lovely" said Mimosa holding up a red cloak.

Yuno picked up a book and when he opened it a small light geeen orb flew out of the book and started moving further into the room. He decided to follow it.

"Hmm I can smell gold.." Said Liebe as he suddenly appeared on Asta shoulder. " I thought you gonna sleep forever?" Asked Asta.
" Erghh look like money wakes me." Replied Liebe.

"I wonder what this is?" said Noelle poking at a small bubble that was glowing with some kind of power inside it. When she poked it didn't pop.

Klaus just stood there and was starting to look annoyed, "Would you all stop messing around, there could be some dangerous magical artifacts in this room!" he said getting Asta attention .

"Oh come on sir spectacles why do you have to take the fun out of everything" said Asta calmly making Klaus looking annoyed.

"What did I tell you about callling me that?!" he said.

"Asta, who is this annoying guy?" Asked Liebe.
" What... the... wh-what is that weird creature?!
Why you have a weird pet with you?" Said Klaus. " Huh?!!! What did you said!! Do you wanted me to eat you?!" Shouted Liebe. " Shit, this creature looks hell scary I wanna go away from him" Said klaus as he go away from Asta.
" Relax Liebe.. he always like that" Asta said tried to comfort Liebe. " urghh annoying, by the way Asta let's go another room.. who knows, maybe there are some items that can boost your body" Liebe said. " Oh you're right Liebe! Let's go" Asta replied as he and Liebe go to some room.

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