Chapter 4

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After proving his worth in the baptism Magna decided to show asta his room
(Magna) : "So rasta..this is your room.." magna and Asta stood in front of room that had a normal size and full with cobwebs (Magna) : " ermm sorry your room is kin—
(Asta) : " Amazing !!! I never had such a big room before" asta said with his stars eyes. (Magna) : " Glad that you like it" magna smiled. "Don't forget to wake up have a work to do" Magna said while he begin to walk away.(Asta) ; "Yess Magna senpai !!" After Magna left, Asta begin to clean up the room.

A while later...

"Fuhhh mann...finally finish" said Asta as he finished to clean his room. He then lay down on his bed and liebe begin to appear in front of him on his chibi form.

(Asta) : " huh liebe...why don't you transform into your normal form?"
(Liebe) : I actually felt comfortable with this form other than normal..I can fly to whatever place I want and plus it actually make me cute keh keh" Liebe giggles
(Asta) : " Whatever you said Liebe". Asta then took out a small yellow magic item " I better inform nacht about my stated right now" said Asta.

Suddenly a small hologram appeared in front of him and revealing some man that wearing some kind of robe all over his head.
(Asta) : "Hai nacht !!"
(Nacht) : "Oh Asta..look like you finally made it" Nacht said while smiling.
(Asta) : "Yeahh I'm really proud with my result..and you know what.. all the 9 magic knight captains want to chose me to be in his squad hahaha how funny is it" said asta while chuckled a bit
(Nacht) : " well good to know that, by the way which squad did you chose?" Nacht asked
(Asta) : Well I chose—
(Liebe) : He chose the Black bulls.

There is a silent moment untill...
(Asta) : "What!! Liebe..let me finish my sentence first.." Asta said looking annoyed
Liebe ignored him and continued
(Liebe) : He chose the black bulls pretty stupid rright nacht??
Nacht remain silent for a while untill..
(Nacht) : "Well I have a work to do so good luck you guys.." Nacht said while smiling and ready to off his device.
(Asta) : Wait Nach-
Asta then looked at liebe and pinch his cheeks..
(Asta) : " this is all your foul..let me finish first"
(Liebe) : "Hey stop it !!! I was telling the true didn't I?" Asta then released Liebe and begin to monologue
(Asta) : "The black bulls..the worst squad of history...wait..don't tell me?!!"
-Flashback- (nacht) : "I joined the worst squad history of the clover kingdom"
-End flashback-
(Asta) : " So nacht is also the black bulls squad!"
(Liebe) : ohh really? Hmmm so that's why he off his device immediately..perhaps he shy?
(Asta) : " Huh? No I don't think just doesn't fit with his character"
(Liebe) : "well enough talking.. I want to sleep..good bye asta" said liebe as he return to his grimoire
(Asta) : "Yeah bye liebe"
"I can't wait to meet you at this base nacht"
Asta thought while giggling

-Spade Kingdom-
(Nacht) : "He really is stupid..didn't expect that he will joined the black bulls...I thougt that he will join the golden dawn.."
"This world are really full with stupid people well Time to continue my work"

The next day

Asta had woken up early to do the chores
(Magna): Here we have the black bulls living area, ridiculously huge ain't it" as the two of them stood in the living area that was past the entrance. The only two people there at the moment was Charmy who was still eating from plates that had piles of food on them and Gauche who was looking a photo of his sister with blood coming out of his right nostril.

"The black bulls library" he said as the two of them walked into the library where most of the shelves had dust on them.

"Here we have the beast room" said Magna as the two of them stood in a dark hallway with one lantern. There was giant cage where giant beasts looking threatening trying to bust out of the cage.
(Magna) : "So Rasta..your work is simple...feed the beast" he said while handing Asta a meat
"yosh yosh yosh come eat it" asta said while trying to feed it. But he was suprised as his head was in the beast mouth. " aaaaarghh"
Asta screamed as liebe(in grimoire) and magna laughing out loud.
After that..their two running from the beast while laughing and screaming .

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