"Should I start guessing now?" I asked Nine. Also one of the top leaders in the Hydra. This is our first encounter.

"Yes you may now start, Luna." He said with his french accent.

He gave me one bottle and I analyzed it.

The spores are stained pink and its bacilli stain is color purple. This is very rare on earth and can even be considered as the most lethal poison in the world.

"Botulinum Toxin Type A" I said with confidence. Thankfully, I have a deep knowledge when it comes to poisons. I guess this test will be easy for me.

Botulinum Toxin also known as botox, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum. Less than a millionth of a gram in your bloodstream would kill you.

He placed another bottle on the table. Inside it, is a brownish powder. "Can I open it?" I asked Two.

He nodded as an answer.

I slowly inhaled the powder only to realized that this is a powdered castor bean. I hurriedly covered my nose because even inhaling it is too lethal for a human being.

Zero's a son of a bitch.

A dose of purified ricin powder; the size of a few grains of salt can easily kill a human adult.

"It is a Ricin Toxin. Its organism is called Ricinus Communis." I slowly said to Nine. The poison from the Ricin is weakening me. But I'm still lucky that I still have the energy to guess the other five bottles that consists different types of lethal poisons.

He placed a bottle containing a small poisonous red frog and a dart in one bottle.

This is definitely Batrachotoxin or BTX. It is an extremely poisonous alkaloid and in certain frogs this toxin is present mostly on around 136 μg is the lethal dose for a person weighing 150 pounds; that is, about two grains of table salt. On average one frog packs 1100 μg of batrachotoxin.

"Batrachotoxin. A terrifying kind of toxin that is incurable. Once you became a victim of this poison, you need to ready your corpse as soon as possible." And giving me this....it's either Zero fully trusts me or he wants to kill me. Tangina niya, these poisons are all lethal.

Nine hurriedly gave me a bottle and inside it is a colorless poison. I bet this one is also odorless.

"Can I ask for a clue, Nine?" I asked him. I am no God to identify a colorless and an odorless poison directly in front of my eyes. Many toxins are colorless and odorless.

"It is an Organophosphorus compound, Luna." He seriously said.

Bingo. "This is a Sarin Toxin."

It is an extremely toxic synthetic organophosphorus compound. It will usually occur as a result of asphyxia due to the inability to control the muscles involved in breathing. Death may follow in one to ten minutes after direct inhalation.

I received another bottle once again from Nine. But this time, it appears as white amorphous lumps or a crystalline solid.

"This one is a Potassium Cyanide." I confidently said to Two.

Cyanide prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. When this happens, the cells die.

Another bottle was given to me. Just like the Sarin Toxin, it is still colorless.

"I bet this is from an animal. A venom from a snake." I said even though it is just a random guess.

One of the clues that I found out is that a certain snake was considered the Alpha from a random article. And it produces a very lethal venom that can even kill 100 people with just one bite. It is considered as the most toxic venom of any snake.

I can see Zero in the snake. A very cunning alpha that produces lethal tests like this.

"This is the Inland Taipan Venom."

Amusement can be seen from Nine's eyes. As if he's thinking that it's too impossible for me to guess it.

But I can't blame him. I'm too talented to be born in this world. Also, I am not a wife of their Alpha for no reason.

"Last but not the least." I said.

This last poison is quite tricky. Its color is red. I don't know but by just staring at this poison gives me goosebumps.

Don't take me wrong. My favorite color is red and sometimes wearing a red dress is a powerful arousal weapon for men.

"Is it dangerous to inhale?" I asked Nine. I already inhaled the Ricin Toxin. Inhaling another poison is a suicide. So assurance this time is a must.

He smirked. "Not so, Luna."

Good. That's good. This is a piece of cake. Once I finished this one, I'll probably finish the test after drinking one poison among the seven bottles.

I guess this seventh bottle is not that dangerous.

So I inhaled it. "Bullshit!" I cursed loudly.

How come there's this kind of toxin here?!

"Really Zero? A fucking Aphrodisiac?!" I hissed. I know that he can hear me.

What a fucking man for a husband.

Who would have thought that he'll put an aphrodisiac among the choices?


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