Meet the Author

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     Hey fellow My Hero fans! (Well, I'm assuming if you ended up finding my book, you're a My Hero fan hehehe.) I go by Snack, and I am currently one of the many people that is OBSESSED with MHA. That being said, I promise I'm more than just a tired art kid that's about to graduate soon and thought it would be funny if Bakugo was a painting major.

     I am a junior at a notable art school in the south, and I'm majoring in sequential art. Sequential art includes comic books, illustrations, storyboards, character design, concept art, and environments and prop design. (PLEASE hit me up for any of your needs in these categories. I draw for the monies.) Some of my other non-art related hobbies include anime, food, music, food, 80s- 90s culture, aaaaaaand food. Food is nice. Very lovely.

     I also have a really dark sense of humor and that shows up in my work sometimes so yaaaaAAAAAY. 

     I usually only write comics, but I wanted to dip back into writing fanfiction. Haven't really done that since my Danny Phantom days (what great days those were ya know?) But BEST BELIEVE THIS WILL BE A COMIC SOON TOO JUST BE AWARE OF THAT.

     I won't even lie and say I post consistently because I don't. Time management? What is that? The way my brain works, I hyper-fixate myself on one thing and spend hours upon hours drawing and writing and thinking about it because it becomes the best thing in the world to me. And right now that thing is this thing. I will try my best to NOT go ghost for months before I post chapters, though.

     Also, I know this will come up at some point, but please don't try to argue with me about the ships in this alternate universe. They are what they are, and they ain't changing. Now don't get me wrong, there are no cursed ships in this au I swear. In fact, most of them are (relatively) canon. As the author, though, I have the artistic license to move things around so that the story flows smoothly. However, y'all are all allowed to have your own opinions. So... yeah.

     Will this story be a smut? Heck no. Will there be some suggestive content? Probably. These are college kids, not angels. Things are bound to happen. Do with that what you will.

     Anyways, um, yeah, that's me! Hope we can be friends! I'd love to have more people to talk about Denki with hehehe. 😊

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