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It's that time of the year again,
The best time for couples to shower each other with gifts.
I think it's just plain cruel.

My alarm clock rings,
I let out a groan,
It's Valentine's Day,
And I'm still alone.
How depressing.

As I sit in the kitchen scrolling through my valentines covered feed, I realise that I still don't have a date to take to the annual dance, and if you don't have a date you may as well just leave the school and move to another planet!
"Well I'll wait until I'm desperate to ask Harrison Brace-girdle," I vow to myself.
Harrison was the dictionary definition of 'desperate moron' who spent his life polishing rocks and staring at the college girls from the safety of his back garden. I'd have to be more than desperate to even consider standing near him.

As I walk into school on the dreaded day of February 14th, my best friend Milly runs up to me with her clingy boyfriend Liam. She has her long blonde hair in red bows and wears what looks to be a golden bracelet with half a heart on. Expectantly I look at Liam's wrist and successfully spot the other half of the golden bracelet.
So cheesy, I inwardly cringe.
"Ooooh! Don't you just love Vally day!" She sighs to me.
"It's Valentine's Day actually," I point out and gesture around the school. "I don't think St.Valentine would approve of what his day has become."
"Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you have to hate VALLY day," she replies smugly, then links arms with Liam and walks to form.
I follow them and sit down in my place while Freya, the snobby girl beside me, lays out the 5 valentines cards that she either bought herself or her dad bought them for her. I look the other way and see Harrison waving at me, a grey rock clutched tightly in his hands. All I can see as I look around the large room is girls kissing boys, girls hugging boys, girls texting (presumably) boys. Even Harrison abandons his rock and goes to talk to Melanie, an awkward girl whose mum still does her hair in ponytails.

After what seems an eternity of cute couples cuddling, our teacher Miss.Faux walks in and plants herself neatly on her chair, her spectacles perched on the very tip of her nose. You can tell that she shares my views on 'Vally' day. Miss.Faux proceeds to read out people's names on the register.
"Yes Miss"
Miss.Faux looks up sharply to witness what looks like Bella eating Tony's face sat on his wide lap.
"Yeah," she yells before going back to Tony.
I roll my eyes while the rest of the class titter to each other. I am seriously considering bunking off today and tonight so I can go and have my own special date- Netflix and chocolate!
I stalk out of the room to my locker and open it, expecting to see a stack of random folders and a half eaten snack from last week. Instead my eyes focus on something I am least expecting, something gold with fancy writing on, something that seems to resemble...
Oh no. I close my eyes. Please let this not be happening right now!
But when I reopen my eyes, the box of chocolates is
still laid there.

The box is gold,
My cheeks are red,
I wish someone would come,
And shoot me dead.

A.N hi anyone reading this! I hope you're enjoying it because I am really enjoying writing it! More chapters will come soon!

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