Four- Celebrity In The Classroom.

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm, today was my last day of school before moving to America. I managed to get my mum to let me have tomorrow off as a final goodbye and relaxation before the move. I had breakfast and put on my uniform and was dropped at school by mum. Walking through the halls to my first lesson, Math, was very strange... people were staring at me and whispering, I felt very insecure. Had I done something wrong? Did I look funny? Is there something in my hair? I ignored the thoughts swirling around my mind and decided to not let anything ruin my last day, as I sat down at my desk waiting for the class to start. Eventually the teacher came in and stood in front of us all, that's when his eyes locked onto mine.

"Ah, Y/n! I heard the news around the school! Tell us, what's going on? Are you actually signed with Netflix now?" I sat there speechless for a moment as everyone in my class looked at me for my answers, how had the news spread so fast? "Uhm yeah. I am now under contract with Netflix and will be playing the role of Eight Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy." I answered as people began to whisper again.

"Wait so does that mean you'll be going to Canada? I think that's where they shoot it." A random student I hadn't really spoken to before asked. "Yeah, today is actually my last school day, tomorrow I will spend saying goodbye to my family and packing my luggage, and then I get on a plane to LA on Wednesday where I'll meet the rest of the cast and get my script. A few days after that is when we all fly over to Canada to start shooting the new season" I smiled at her. I didn't want to sound like an attention seeker, but everyone really wanted to know so I bit the bullet and just told them everything I knew. I guess I'd have to get used to talking in front of many people who I'm not very familiar with.

"So you'll be meeting Aidan Gallagher then, or have you already met yet? He is my celebrity crush... I'm so jealous" A girl just behind me laughed. I laughed slightly too as I answered, "No, I haven't met him yet, but I was speaking to him over Instagram last night. He'll told me that he will be staying with me to help me get used to things and to help find my way around, considering he is around my age. I'll meet him on Wednesday with the rest of the cast" I smiled at her, and people began to ask many questions, that's when the teacher intervened, "Okay, okay, settle down you lot. I'm sure Y/n is happy to answer your questions, but let's not bombard the poor girl with them all at once. But, just because we have a new, up and coming celebrity in our class, doesn't mean you're getting out of algebra, SO, turn to page 394!" Everyone groaned at the teacher, I hated algebra... it's the worst.

The rest of the day went very similar, people would ask me questions and talk about me where ever I went, it was very strange. Even people who I didn't particularly get along with wished me luck for my future, apart from one person, Meghan. Meghan hated me, she always has and for no reason what-so-ever, may I add. I literally joined the school at the same time she did, and accidentally bumped into her in a school corridor. She told me to watch where I was going and pushed me over, ever since then, she has given me nothing but grief wherever I went. "Hey Y/n, I heard the rumour that you're going to be in The Umbrella Academy? You're such an attention seeker" 

I decided to ignore her and keep walking, but that just made things worse, "Don't ignore me when I speak to you skank" That was such a stupid, British word... she grabbed my shoulders and pushed my back to the wall, leaving a slight sting, "You're so desperate for friends that you have to make up a stupid rumour like that. You aren't talented enough to be in a show like that, or any show for that matter. Besides, everyone knows that Eight and Five become really close friends in the show, and that means the actor of Eight will spend loads of time with Aidan Gallagher... just know that he would never like someone like you, he's prefer someone like me!" She yelled in my face, thinking she was affecting me.

I pushed her off me and took a step away from the wall, "I'm not lying Meghan,  but I don't have to prove myself to you. You're so nasty to people for no reason, just grow up and act your age! And about the whole Aidan Gallagher thing, I'm not going just so I can swoon over him. I'm going so I can live my dream of becoming an actor, having Aidan there as a friend is just an extra bonus" I added enthesis on the word 'friend' before smiling at her and walking away. I wouldn't let bully's bring me down.

After my hectic day at school finished, I went home and put my uniform in the laundry basket before going to my room to relax. The rest of my day consisted of eating, watching Youtube and scrolling through my social medias.

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