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evelynfrancesca began a live video!

Evelyn : normal
Trent : Bold

"Hello everyone!"

People instantly began joining the live. They were all eager to know what really went down in Germany, all they knew currently that Trent had supposedly cheated on Evelyn with a blonde, German girl. But that was quite the opposite of what had really happened.

The couple waited a few minutes, allowing people to join the live before they began.

"Shall we begin now babe?"

"Yeah let's start"

"So guys, you're probably all wondering what is going on right now and we are going to explain everything!"

"D'you wanna start T?"


"Uh when I was in Germany for a match, a girl called Lexi had messaged me a few times and commented on my posts"

"I'd previously met her before and I did have a romantic relationship with her a few years back when I was 17"

"She had asked me to meet up with her while I was over in Germany and stupidly I agreed to it and I've fully owned up to the fact it was the wrong decision and a shitty move to make"

By this point Evelyn had place her hand in Trents to comfort him and tell him it was okay.

He was extremely upset over the situation as he knew he'd let his girlfriend down but she was not going to let one silly mistake ruin their relationship. They were completely and utterly head over heels in love with each other so why throw that away over one thing.

"She knew about Ev because she's seen my posts previously and had asked about us when I arrived at the place we were meeting"

"We hung out a cafe for about an hour before I realised what I was doing wasnt right and I shouldn't be meeting up with my ex even if nothing was going on between me and Lexi"

"But as I was leaving she asked for a hug by so I wasn't going to be rude and say no, as I pulled away she turned her head and kissed me"

"The paps made it seem so much more than it was"

"I pulled away immediately after she had kissed me and left"

Trent looked at Ev. She knew he didn't want to talk anymore so she took over.

"Trent came straight back home and told me everything straight away"

"Obviously I was confused and hurt before the explanation because it's not easy being tagged in several pictures of your boyfriend kissing another girl"

"But once Trent explained, apologised several times and owned up to his mistakes. I know that it was just a big misunderstanding"

"I love T with all my heart and I'm not gonna let one silly mistake change us"

She smiled at her boyfriend. He couldn't believe how he had bagged such a kind, warm-hearted soul. Trent knew that one day she would become Mrs Alexander-Arnold. She was the one for him. They were endgame.

"We're gonna wrap this up here guys but thank you for joining and I love you all so much"

She blew a kiss at the screen and finished the live video.

evelynfrancesca ended the live.

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