Chapter 5

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    Honami, Sakura, Sudo and I arrived at the student council room and sat down at the long table, I saw a second witness I brought by the door and entered, leaving them behind.

    Inside the room there was the student council president, vice president, and secretary all sitting at the head of the table.

    There was a huge contrast between the president and vice-president, the president and good posture and had a tense look on his face, while the vice president was lounging casually with his feet on the table.

    The Class C students and their teacher were sitting on one side of the table, I planted myself across the table, right next to Chabashira-sensei. Honami sat to the left of me and Sudo sat on the left of him. The secretary Tachibana started speaking.

(A/N: play the Ace Attorney soundtrack for an enhanced trial experiance)

“We will begin the hearing, three Class C students claimed that Sudo Ken from Class D called them out to the special building and assaulted them. Is this correct?”

“Yes” the Class C students responded

“Class D’s Sudo-kun, claims that he was called out to the special building by the Class C students and the injuries that you see on the students occured when he fought back in self defense”

“Thats right!” Sudo exclaimed

“Then during this trial we will work towards finding the truth between these condradictiary statements”

    Honami stood up, and with all of the eyes in the room on her she walked towards the TV which had map of the special building on it. She turned around and began to talk.

“I will begin my case then, first of all Sudo-kun is completely innocent” everyone was shocked that she started out by making such a bold statement. She then dramatically turned around, pointed at the Class C students and said “This was a set up made by Class C to try and get an advantage in the class competition!”

“What an outrageous claim” Sakagami-sensei responded “first of all do you have any proof, or is this mere conjecture?”

“Class D calls Akimura Mako to the stand!” after saying this a girl from Class B walked in. I had my questioning prepared, I stood up and walked next to Honami.

“Akimura, is it true that 5 days ago you witnessed an incident behind the main school building during your tennis practice. And this incident occured between 3 Class C students and Sudo?”

“That is correct”

“And from your perspective who was it that instigated that encounter?”

“The Class C students instigated it”

“Were any of the 3 you see in front of you involved?”

“None of them were involved at that time”

“W-what does this mean, Ayanokoji?” Sudo asked me not understanding what I was getting at.
“It means that whoever is leading Class C was attacking your credibility. The man who planned out this frame-job wanted nobody to believe you when you claimed it was a set up”

    With both myself and Honami making outragous claims with little to no evidence backing us up everyone was a little shocked. The first one to speak out was the Vice-President

“I believe them, how about we just accept their words and expel those Class C guys”

    The president responded to his horseing around with a glare, then sighed, and spoke out

Ayanokoji the Overqualified Butler (a COTE fanfic) [Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now