Chapter 1

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"Hurry up Peter! I'm gonna leave without you in 20 seconds!"

You hear a loud crash come from Peter's room, and you stifle a laugh.


You hear a disjointed "Shit!", to accompany the crash, and this time, you do laugh.


You hear Peter's door open, and he rushes into your shared living room. You chuckle at the mess of hair on his head, betraying that he had just rolled out of bed.

"20," you state, turning around to open the front door of your apartment. Peter follows quickly behind you, knowing from experience that you will in fact leave him behind. "Late night?" you question, referring to his obviously disjointed sleep schedule.

"Yep. You won't believe how many attempted robberies there were last night! I get Christmas is coming up, but Jesus!" Peter exclaims in a huff. You smile knowingly at him. You have been friends with Peter since the beginning of high school, so when you both were accepted to the same University, it only made sense for you to move in together. Peter was more than your best friend, he was like your brother. It didn't take long for you to suspect Peter of being Spiderman. You never said anything, but when you moved in together and Peter would randomly disappear during the day, your suspicions were confirmed. That and Mr. Spiderman over there kept forgetting to hide his mask. Peter had been annoyed with himself for spilling the beans, but he trusted you. He was just happy to have someone to talk about it with.

"When is May expecting us to be back?" you question, changing the subject, as you and Peter climb onto the bus that will drop you off close to your last university exam before winter break. Although the University of New York was close enough to Queens that Peter could have lived at home, he had wanted the experience of living away. He had applied to other schools farther away, but you later found out he chose New York so he could be close to the Avengers if they ever needed him. With that said, May had insisted that both of you come to stay with her over Winter Break. You had spent many nights at the Parker residence in high school. Hell, May was the one who helped you with university applications. She treated you like you were her own. You appreciated that a lot considering you were alone.

*I guess I should give you some backstory. A long long time ago, in a far off land... no I'm just kidding.* You grew up in Canada all through public school until you turned 14. You and your mother moved to New York for her new job just before you started high school. It had been you and your mother your whole life. You knew who your father was. He didn't even know you existed, but you had been fine with that from a young age. You mother often told you the story of this mystery man, summing it up to a one nightstand with a smooth talking man when she went to New York for a business trip. When she found out she was pregnant, she didn't even consider telling him. She knew his reputation. Everyone did. He was known for being quite the playboy. She wouldn't be surprised if he had more secret kids running around. You didn't ask about him much. If you really wanted to know anything, you could usually just look it up. He was on the news almost every week anyway. When you were 16, she got sick. Like really sick. You both knew she didn't have a lot of time left. With no one else to take care of you, she entrusted May. May and your mother had grown very close in the 2 year you had lived in New York. It helped that you and Peter were practically joined at the hip. May didn't even bat an eye when your mother asked, so a year later, when she gave up the fight, May became your guardian, even though you chose to stay in the apartment you and your mother had shared. You had heard May ask your mother once why you could not move in with my father, but she just stated the facts. He didn't know, and she wasn't going to tell him. May never pushed again, and when your mother died, you were the only one left who knew who your father was.

Brown Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें