Chapter 51: Ki and Looking for Korra

Start from the beginning

Y/n is now back in his mind scape where he "met" the giant gorilla and dragon from before. You see these past months y/n has been trying to get back in his mind scape to try and make contact with these creatures, but it seems they are not in a talkative mood. So since then he had trouble going back into his mind to try and see them again, but then that's when Rachel came along.

Rachel is a master of meditation and has been doing it since she was a little girl. She explained that she had trouble controlling her powers when she was little because her demon half was always trying to take control. So she meditated to get control of herself and her powers. Now she's accepted her demon half, but since she's not use to using her demon powers she now has to meditate to help control them. So not much has changed except now she doesn't have to worry about going insane from her demon half and only has to worry about controlling her immense power now.

Anyways, now y/n can visit his mind scape much easier without Katara's help. Y/n walks across the field to see the two titans going at it again. Their attacks destroy the entire area and giant craters and unturned trees and large boulders litter the area. Y/n walks up the the two titans and just as before they notice him watching.

Y/n: *deep breath* Okay y/n let's do this

Y/n walks up to the two behemoths and they watch him as he walks over to them. The two creatures then reel their heads back and roar just like last time. A huge shockwave of air is sent in all directions from the loud roar and many more trees and boulders are uproot and sent flying.

Y/n puts his arms up and blocks the wind and stands his ground from the high pressured wind. The winds finally stop and y/n puts his arms down and continues to walk forward to the creatures. Both creatures are unimpressed, but they allow him to walk towards them. Y/n stands before them and was about to speak, but before any words could come out, the monkey-gorilla whatever started speaking.

Gorilla: Hmph, so you finally made it. I'm very disappointed that it took you so long to get here.

Y/n was shocked by the fact that the giant monkey could speak, but he recovers quickly and replies.

Y/n: Who are you and what are you doing in my body?

After y/n spoke, the two creatures started laughing at him. The gorilla started sounding like an actual gorilla laughing while the dragon sounded very gutteral and deep. The gorilla finally recovers and replies in kind.

Gorilla: We do not have separate names for we are the same person. As for why we are here, this is our home where we belong.

Y/n then thinks of his response.

Y/n: What do you mean you two are the same person?

Gorilla: Exactly as i said, we are the same person.

Y/n: Can you tell me your name then?

Gorilla: Hmph, it's far too early for you to know who we are and you are far too weak to find out.

Y/n started getting annoyed with the giant monkey's words.

Y/n: *annoyed* What do you mean "Too weak to know"?

Gorilla: Exactly as i said, your far too weak to know our names.

Y/n: Why? Why am i too weak to know a stupid name?

Gorilla: *narrows eyes* Because if you want to know our names, then you'll have to beat us in combat to find out.

Y/n was dumbstruck by this answer

Y/n: You want me to fight you?

Gorilla: *nods* Yes, the two of us are proud beings that love to fight. We will not willingly give away information unless you have earned it, which you haven't since you haven't defeated us. Thus we shall not tell you our name.

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