Ok then, I'll be waiting for you guys.

All together:
Ok then thanks. Bye!

Darryl: Ok, Bye!

Call ended
Time: 1 min and 30 sec...

Few hours later, Clay, George and Nick, arrived.
They knocked on the door and Darryl opened up.
They took a bath and told them to stay at Y/n's bedroom after.
Darryl left the house and Drove all the way to your school.

Timeskip to your school.

It's finally the end of your last class session.

English Class...

Professor: Ok class, hand over your Literature Poems.
Class: Yes, Professor!

Everyone grabbed their papers (Poem) and hands them forward and all to you.

Professor: Cmon, Y/n hand them over please.
Y/n: Sure thing, Professor.

You stood up from your seat and hands them over.
The bell, finally rang and every students in every room came out during the bell is still ringing.

Random student: Hey, did you know the girl from Class E-1, name Y/n?
R.S #2: Yea, why?
Random student: I heard she, made it into a famous Speedrunners Server, let's talk to her.
R.S #2: Woah, really, that's Awesome! Let's do talk to her!

The 2 students walked up to while you we're putting your things inside your locker.

R.S #1: Hey Y/n!
Y/n: Oh Yes? hey, do you need something?
R.S #2: We, just heard you are officially in the Dream Smp Server, is it true?
Y/n: Oh yea, why so?

The 2 looked at each other and back to you.

R.S #1: We we're wondering if you can give us a shout-out from you and the others from the server.
Y/n: hmm...
R.S #2: Please Y/n....
Y/n: Ok, ok chill, i'm hosting a livestream soon anyway, when I get home but to think about when.
R.S #2: Wow, cool thank you, welp we better sure we're gonna watch your stream.
R.S #1: Same here.
Y/n: ok ok, bye!

You closed your locker and left with a wave bye.
Same aswell to the 2 random students.

You we're heading to the parking lot, when you heard someone called you.

Darryl: Y/N! Over here!
Y/n: huh? Darryl?

You walked up to Darryl and waved at him.

Y/n: Hey Darryl, what are you doing here?
Darryl: I came to pick you up, and we have visitors at my place.
Y/n: Visitors? Ok then, thanks to for come picking me up.
Darryl: No problem, hop on.

You hop on inside the car, and so as Darryl too.


You and Darryl arrived at Darryl's place.
Darryl parked his car and Darryl and you hopped off the car, walked up the porch and unlocks the door.

Darryl: The visitors are at your room, I told them to stay there until we came back here.
Y/n: Oh ok then, Imma say hi.

You head upstairs and to your room, you opened the door and saw...

???: Oh hey, Y/n!
Y/n: Sap- wait Nick! (Nick is Sapnap)
Nick: Yup one and only! How are you?
Y/n: I-I'm fine! What are you doing here?
Nick: Welp, I bought a ticket to fly here, so here I am. Nick at your service.
Y/n: Wait didn't Darryl told me Visitors? Not Visitor.

Someone interrupted...

???: Visitors indeed Y/n!
???: Yep, Look behind you.

You look behind you and see...

Y/n: D-Dream?! George?! Since when you guys got here?
Clay: Just few hours ago.
George: We all kept it a secret to surprise you and Bad helped out.
Clay: Yep- OooO it's Jackie!

Dream runs up to Jackie to pet her.

You all talked and chilled together in your room, Darryl also joined.
You talked about when to make upcoming streams, Texture packs and how's their home back at there home town.
Sapnap fell asleep tho during a conversation. But You, Darryl, Clay, and George are still wide awake.

Y/n: Nick, Nicky fell asleep. Hold on guys, imma grab Nick a blanket.
Clay: K.
Darryl: Ok.
George: Sure.

You stood up on your bed and Open up the closet.
You grabbed a warm blanket and brings it over to Nick.
You tucked Nick with the blanket you got and hopped back on the bed with the Others.

Darryl: Aaww, so sweet.
Clay: No fair :<
George: Jealous? Haha

Dream looked at George with a weird stare and looks at him full faced and tickles him.

George: H-hey- Stop Hahahah! That tickles!
Clay: Take it back!
George: Ok ok, I take it back...sorry geez.
Clay: sure you are.
Darryl: You muffinheads.
Y/n: Hehe that was so cute.

To be continued...

Sweet Gogy: GNF X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now