"Hey, Master," the Togrutan Padawan replied, her movements similar to that of her Master's.

The young Skywalker's eyes narrowed as he glared at Ahsoka in irritation. He had specifically told her not to come! She was directly disobeying his orders, and he planned on making that known to her. "Ahsoka-" Anakin began with clenched fists, intent on berating her, to give her a piece of his mind. Luckily for her, Obi-Wan chose this time to interrupt their conversation.

"I think I have carbon sickness, for I could swear that's Ahsoka."

"Your eyes are fine," Anakin grumbled. "It's her hearing that needs help," he growled, thrusting a thumb in his Padawan's direction.


"Ahsoka... I am so, sorry... for everything."

"You have our most humble apologies, Little 'Soka."

"You have shown such great strength and resilience in your struggle to prove your innocence," A Jedi Master Ahsoka wasn't as familiar with, Saesee Tiin, went on sincerely.

"This was actually your great trial," Mace Windu said, disdain carefully woven into his tone. "Now we see that. We understand the Force works in mysterious ways, and you've become a greater Jedi than you would have otherwise."

Ahsoka crossed her arms at Windu. How dare he say that to her?

"Back, into the Order, you may come."

A brief pause occurred, the deafening silence pounding in the Togruta's montrals. Finally, Anakin spoke up. "They're asking you back, Ahsoka," he said. "I'm asking you back." His synthetic hand re-emerged, with a single Padawan braid sitting in his palm.

Skywalker moved his hand towards his apprentice, silently begging her to take back her braid; to take back their friendship. The eyes that had held so much sorrow ten minutes ago brightened slightly, a slim ray of hope lighting them.

The internal battle raging inside of the Togruta did not cease. After long contemplation, she had reached her decision. Time seemed to freeze as she lifted a hand and gently closed Anakin's palm, letting his fingers curl onto the braid. Unfiltered shock registered in his Force signature when he came to terms with her decision. His gaze met hers.

"I'm sorry, Master. But I'm not coming back."


"Ahsoka! Ahsoka, wait, I need to talk to you!... Why, are you doing this?"

"The Council didn't trust me. So how can I trust myself?"

"What about me? I believed in you, I stood by you!"

"I know you believe in me Anakin, and I'm grateful for that. But this isn't about you. I can't stay here any longer... not now."

"The Jedi Order is your life! You can't just throw it away like this! Ahsoka, you are making a mistake."

"Maybe. But I need to sort this out on my own. Without the Council... and without you."

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