You had made a small home in the village, and for once, you grew comfortable in life. The plants in your home grew beautifully as you prodded them with magic. You had what you needed, and your study on potions grew more and more.

You had made the mistake of lingering in the village for too long.

There had been rumours of visitors with a grey banner strapped to their back, sword stained with blood as they looked for a place to stay. Nothing had seemed wrong with them, until they mentioned something about a bad omen.

The sound of bells still rung in your ears.

Pillagers had waited outside the village with large beasts, attacking the iron giants of the town with great ferocity. The sound of crossbows whizzing past your ear, and the intense flames that had began eating the homes surrounding you grew, surrounding you and the villagers of the town.

There hadn't been a way out of the flames, causing you to panic as the heat grew. Arrows flew through the flames, catching fire as they hit bodies and engulfed them in golden light. Magic buzzed at your fingertips, but you had been too scared to use it.

When an arrow impaled your calf, you lost all sense of mind when the pain shot through you.

Words of old slipped from your mouth, moving the fire to your will as you whipped it from the houses and towards the pillagers that threatened you. Their cries of pain muffled in your ears as you kept throwing flames, forbidden words not stopping until the first drops of rain hit your face.

"I killed them all, every last pillagers and beast that dared step into the once beautiful village." Your words shook with uncertainty while you looked away from Technoblade, scared to see the disgust in his eyes.

"What did you do after that?" His voice was gentle, allowing you to keep what little hope you had left.

A sigh escaped your lips, hands coming to hug yourself. "I ran, for there was nothing left but ash and bones. Any villager that survived ran too, but I'm not sure how far they made it, for there was nothing left to take from what was once their home.

I ran for days, unable to heal my own wound. The drawback of using my magic means I cannot use it on myself- no healing, no harming, to keep it balanced. I thought I was dead, for the first snow began to settle in one night. I hadn't been ready, so I accepted the fact that I was to die in a forest with old trees and frost on my skin."

A small smile grew as you thought of the next part, one of the most major turning points in your life.

"Philza found me, and took me in. He healed me, raised me, until I found another village and began my thievery there. He taught me sword skills, and comforted me during the nights my dreams kept me awake. He was the father I never had, and one I wouldn't change for the world." Despite the winged man devilishly brining you and Techno together last night, you knew he was only looking out for you- just like he always had.

And Techno was right, your story wasn't over; and he was now apart of it.

The Piglin stayed silent, his red eyes flickering as he went over your words- playing your story in his head. His eyes met yours, and initially you expected disgust, hesitance, however- you saw acceptance, understanding.

He knew exactly how you felt.

"I understand how hard it is- really, I do. It hasn't been easy for me when everyone looked up to me, expecting me to free them from someone who had more power than myself. I thought I would die before I could kill the previous king, and let everyone down. The voices in my head mocked me for my doubts, and I believed them.

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now