No... It wasn't fair! I clenched my teeth, squeezing my eyes shut as tears dripped down my cheeks. I wasn't strong enough. My head dropped, my chin touching my chest as my shoulders quivered. The men waited long enough for my crying to subside before they released me from the chair's hold and escorted me away.


I listened to the ringing in my ears as the van drove, one suit seated next to me, another across. Lowering my tear-stained face, I stared at the metal floor, allowing myself to feel each bump and jostle. We had only made a few turns before continuing straight onto some road, but I couldn't tell where we were at since there weren't any windows back here.

Before they threw me into the back of this metallic box, they stripped me down and dressed me in a red jumper, a signature of the Facility, a jumper that I'd worn once before. I balled my hands into fists.

Neither of the men spoke. They folded their arms, mimicking each other's movements as if they were robots, and leaned back against the wall of the vehicle. I couldn't understand it. They had no emotions at all. Just stoic, robotic men. No real purpose but to be a cog in a machine. I closed my eyes, my jaw tightening. Did they not care? Was another person just disappearing not important to them at all? How could they say this was a Utopia when they couldn't care less about their own people?

I bit down on my lip, preventing a whimper from slipping out. They were just robots. They didn't care if people died. The only thing that mattered was making sure the machine worked. Ensuring that the Utopia was the only thing in this world. Anything against that was a lie, a conspiracy, to harm the machine. People never mattered. Only the machine.

A sob fell from my lips. I gasped in air as I realized I'd been crying again. This wasn't the world I knew. No. This was the reality of a world that didn't exist.

How naive was I to have believed it all? I dug the sole of my shoes into the floor. How ignorant could I have been to have accepted this world? My father died and I was sent away for crying. I saw a woman killed and...

My hands shook.

"Do they not matter...?" I muttered. One of the suits perked up, leaning forward.


"Do their lives not...fucking matter?" I growled with a ferocity I never felt before. It burned in my lungs. Sadness was one thing. But this wasn't sadness. My hands wanted to break, to punch, to wring the life out of those idiots and give them a taste of their own medicine.

The man sitting next to me began to shudder, his shoulders moving up and down as a low murmur resonated in his chest. Was that bastard laughing? I glared at him, my reddened eyes wide open with a seething hatred.

"You think this is funny?" I screamed.

I lunged forward, throwing my fists and cracking them against his jaw. The man across from us jumped towards me, but I kicked out my legs, my foot smashing into his groin with a sickening thud. Both men yelled, using their bodies to try and pin me down. I slammed my head back and forth, swinging my fists from left to right, uncaring of what damage I would cause to myself or the others.

"I'll kill you!" I barked, standing to my feet. They wobbled as the vehicle continued to drive on. The first suit punched the wall of the van closest to where the driver would be.

"Stop the car! We need Sedation!" he called out.

As he yelled, I came up behind him with my fists in the air, bringing them down in a powerful swing, smashing my hands into the back of his head. He cried out in pain, a noise so satisfying to the rage in my heart that I turned to confront the other suit with a confident smirk. I relished the fear that flickered in their eyes. They were confused.

Now, why weren't they being sent to the facility? My brows furrowed and I snarled like a wild animal, taking a step forward to prepare for my volley of attacks. And suddenly, I was flying. The car skidded to a stop, causing both him and me to be flung into the air, slamming against the back door. It busted open, but the air expelled from my body as the world spun around me.

Toppling head over heels, my head smacking into the pavement a few times, my body crashed into a bush just on the edge of the road. I groaned, my head rolling as my eyes blinked rapidly. A canopy of leaves shielded me from the sun and the bright blue sky.

"No..." I muttered, forcing myself to stay conscious, through the agony and pain my body was suffering. I felt the burning on my arms and back where my jumper was most likely torn.

I could hear the suits yelling a couple yards away, barking orders to each other in a frantic state, their speech quickened. If I had the time, I would've laughed. But I knew this was my only chance. With the strength I had left, I dug myself out of the shrubbery, and stumbled deeper into the woods.

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