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UA was hard to miss.

It stood out, tall and proud between the urban streets. The sun hit the building from an angle that had every window shimmering a sea dipped blue. The grounds were brushed up with a gorgeous symmetry of trees and shrubbery.

Frankly, Dai thought it was over the top.

She lowered her map, squinting at the building. There had to be some sort of quirk involved in making a school so- so shiny. Even the concrete walls separating UA from the rest of the world had some sort of a glow.

Dai shrugged. Hero schools had money to spare for these kinds of things.

That didn't matter. She was here to learn. Here to become the number one hero. She'd do whatever she had to do to get there, even if it meant attending a disco ball of a school.

Dai took one step through the grandiose gates, and fell right onto her face.

"Holy guacamole!" Someone shouted. Dai's hands instinctively flew to the hem of her skirt. She had been reluctant to wear one- for exactly this reason, that she would fall on her face and have it fly up away from where it needed to be.

This was great. It was Dai's first day of hero school, and she already made a fool of herself.

Dai wondered if it was too early to drop out.

Footsteps pattered towards her. Dai brushed dirt off her uniform and sat up, squinting hazily at the person approaching her. They seemed to be wearing the same uniform as her- student, then- except it was ridiculously more messy than Dai could ever imagine possible.

"Are you okay? I saw you fall," they panted as they came to a halt besides Dai. She blinked a couple times before realizing she needed to respond.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Dai said, giving a laugh that definitely sounded half murderous. She hoped this person wasn't her classmate. That would be quite embarrassing.

"I'm Kaminari Denki," the boy stated, holding a hand out. She precariously took it and it fizzed under her palms. "I'm from class 1A."

Well there went Dai's reputation. She would forever be known as the girl who face planted in front of the school. Everyone probably knew by now. Somehow.

"Nakamura," Dai said. "Nakamura Dai. 1A." She gave Kaminari a brisk smile, and he let out a hearty laugh.

"We're in the same class! Sweet!" Kaminari exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air. Dai heard him mutter something vague under his breath that sounded like, "A girl! It's a girl!" She decided not to question it.

"Do you want to walk to class together?" She asked. Face planting on the ground wasn't so bad after all. It earned her a potential friend. Maybe she should do it every time she saw someone new. Then she could make a bunch of friends.

"Sure!" Kaminari said- no, yelped. He was practically glowing by now, as bright as the UA buildings. Dai squinted at him.

"What's your quirk? Mine's electricity."

"Actually I-" Dai started, but she was cut off by what had to be the most inhumane, obnoxious voice in the entire world. That was an understatement.

"Oi extras!" They barked, the sound a blaring fanfare of dying cows in her ears. Dai had never heard a dying cow. She probably never would. But that was exactly how the person sounded.

Dai and Kaminari both whirled around to meet their company, the latter jumping at least three feet into the air. She was met face to face with another student, grey uniform and all. Their backpack was slung over only one of their shoulders- horrible for posture, if you asked Dai- and their pants had to be made out of a different fabric, because there was no way cotton could sag that much.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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