Chapter 1: Invasion

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Camp Zama Kanagawa Prefecture Japan (Y/N) POV

It's been months since we left Afghanistan now we have been deployed in Japan and to be honest, there is nothing to do. Me and my squad sitting at a picnic table seat after some daily routine and having our lunch except for John he is cleaning his knife. Sgt 1st class Christopher Santos or Chris for short is a Fil-Am otaku from New Mexico. Me and Chris are bunkmates back in the boot camp and even on deployment he always shows his weeb personality during our break by watching anime and attempting conversation in Japanese or should I say Japanenglish but he has self-control. Corporal Albert Stewart was born and raised in New Jersey his family immigrated to the U.S after the Unification. It is called the Wissen or Brains of our squad. I met him in Bagram airbase as I was assigned as a new squad leader. he learns four languages that include Deutsche, English, Russian, and Mandarin He's now learning Nihongo at a faster pace than Chris Japanese. Sgt Major John Savage although that's not his real name we don't know about his past or what state he came from. He is quiet and talks little but reliable think of heavy but Afro-American. We met him back in the Bagram airbase and he serve longer than the three of us combine he was assigned to my squad. At first, he didn't trust me and preferred to work alone until we participated in a cleaning operation on a remote village turned out to be a trap we hold for hours until reinforcement arrived with a few wounded. Since then he trusts me now after I save his life and help to point him up to where the enemy is. All I can say is that he is a one-man army

(Y/N): Damn it's been a long time since our deployment in Afghanistan

Chris: Yep after the hell, we experience against the Taliban or any other militants

Albert: I don't think the Afghan army will survive that. If they continue what they are doing they will bring their own demise in the future

(Y/N): Yeah corruptions and shit I think the commandos and the air forces are the only battleworthy but it's not enough and Washington still pays them sponsored by the American taxpayers

This gave me a small chuckle as a take a bite of a piece of meat Chris took a drink and Albert take a bite of his bread

Albert: Let's hope there will be not another Saigon after the almost 20 years of America's longest war

As they continue eating their meal (Y/N) brings another topic

(Y/N): Good thing we are not part of military exercise. Damn from our own and allies in the pacific. China in the South China Sea and to Russian exercise near black sea and border in Ukraine. 

Albert: Let's hope those two not end up at war with each other and affect all of us. I mean Ukraine is a breadbasket country and Russia is one of the major oil and gas producer country

Chris: If Ruskie decided to invade Ukraine I have a feeling they will suffer some logistical problems, Lost more of their armored units similar to the first Chechen war, and maybe sank their flagship Vessel on the black sea.

Albert: Let's hope that war will never happen

(Y/N): Hey look on the bright side we're in Japan. The only threat here in Japan is earthquakes, typhoons, Weebs. China and North Korea.

As I take a bit of my meal Chris and Albert agreed on my statement while John didn't care as he continue cleaning his knife 

Albert: Hey (Y/N)

(Y/N): Yes?

Albert: Do you think Iran going to attack us?

(Y/N): Let's hope that the General is not another Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Chris: Neeerrrddd

(Y/N): And I am your squad leader Chris and besides, I know you bought some Manga two days ago and not per chapter per volume. that's mean you are an Otaku and a Weeb Chris and I'm going to bail you out again if the MP found it again

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